Here's What Just A Few Photographers Have To Say About Charles Lewis:



Bringing In About
$500,000 THIS YEAR ALONE!  Shooting For $1,000,000 Next Year!

"Chuck, I can't tell you enough what a lifesavers your secrets have been!  I've had been a fairly successful photographer for many years - but things in the business REALLY started to change.  Things I'd been doing for years were no longer really working.  Then, I discovered your secrets.  Now, I'm making SUPER money !  I'm so thrilled that people are now willing to pay me what I deserve to be making!  This year, it looks like we're going to bring in about $500,000 - no kidding!  Next year, we're shooting to double that - and I have no doubt that's completely possible.  You have no idea (or obviously you do) what it's like to make a great living doing what I've always loved most.  Your devoted student and friend, Hal."
 -Hal Jaffe - Memphis, TN



$16,000 From JUST ONE Sale - One Of His Biggest EVER! - PLUS Profits Have TRIPLED!

"First of all, Chuck, I have to tell you that our entire photography business has been built on your secrets, no exception.  And because of that, our profits have TRIPLED since we started using your stuff!   One of our largest sales ever was a $16,000 sale - I can hardly believe how great everything is working.   Great stuff.  I wanted you to know how much I appreciate what you've done for my business, and for the photographic industry."
-Steven Kramer - Redbank, NJ

Marketing & Sales Secrets For Charles Lewis
Photographic Members ONLY!

3 Powerful Closing Secrets That Can EXPLODE Your Profits During This Recession!

by:  Charles J. Lewis

How's business? Are your sales down at all? Would you like
to discover how to increase your sales and bookings?

There's no denying that these are challenging times, but the thing you must remember is ...

1. There are still people who want to have a nice portrait
created, or want to have their wedding photographed by someone
who is going to do a really great job for them.

2. There are many professional photographers who are making
excellent money right now - regardless of this economy - and I want
to help you discover the secrets they are using to accomplish this.

3. The economy is cyclical - it swings one way, then the other.
Your job is to not only survive this - but to grow and prosper during
this recession - so you come out of it in even better condition than
you were before it happened.

Here are 3 key pointers for increasing your closing percentage with
the people who will still be calling you - and there will be a LOT of
them between now and the Holidays - if you are using even ANY of
the many marketing secrets I talked about on my last email Hot Tip.

Sales Closing Secret #1: Be ABSOLUTELY sure to use "Risk Removal" now more than ever. Talk about your guarantee all the time.

If you want to get people to make a decision today - and hire you
or buy from you - it's critical that you remove all the risk for them to
do so. You do this by talking about your 100% You Will Be Thrilled
(not just "satisfied") Guarantee.

If for any reason, they aren't thrilled with what you create for
them, you will do whatever is necessary to see to it they are thrilled,
or you will give them all their money back - no hassles and no hard
feelings either.

This is how I've run my business for over 37 years - including
going through 4 economic down-turns. It really helps people to go
ahead and hire you and buy from you, especially during a Recession.

Sales Closing Secret #2: Get your prospect into "Right Brain" and
keep her there.

People invest in photography for EMOTIONAL REASONS - not
price reasons or any other logical reasons. It's important you
remember this - especially now.

We know the right side of the brain is the emotional, feelings
side of the brain. So what you do is ask very carefully constructed
questions which are designed to put her into the right side
(emotional) side of her brain, and keep her there.

By doing this, you are much more likely to get the sale, or the
appointment to chat, or whatever. If you don't do this, you will NOT
get her to do what you want her to do. No way.

For example, here are a few great "right brain questions":

Tell me about your family....

How important are these photographs to you...

What's most important to you about these photographs?

If you could create these photographs anywhere in the world,
where would you like them to be created?

Tell me about your children...

If you don't mind me asking, why are you thinking of having
photographs created at this time?


Sales Closing Secret #3: Use your Unique Factors - talk about
them all the time.

Once you have asked questions of your prospect or client, you
now have a much better idea of exactly what she's looking for - and
you have gotten her in right brain - so now you pick from your list of
"Unique Factors" the one which most applies to the things she has
told you so far.

Your "Unique Factors" are the things that separate you from all
the other photographers in the area - really - honestly.

For example:

You absolutely GUARANTEE they will be thrilled with the photographs. If
they are not THRILLED, you will give them all their money back - no problem,
and no hard feelings either. (Your guarantee is always your number one Unique

You meet with your clients ahead of time, no charge and no
obligation, so you can get to know them, and they can get to know
you, so that on the day of the photography, everyone feels really
comfortable and thus looks really natural.....etc.

..... You create the images at a location which is emotionally meaningful to
your clients - at no extra charge.

Another one could be: You throw your heart and soul into the
photography, like no other photographer in the state - working hard
to create something that will make your clients cry tears of joy when
they see the images. You do this because you are so driven to create
emotional, sensitive photography that tells the loving story of the
people you photograph. And you are driven to do this, because of
what happened a couple of years ago........(and you tell her a very
emotional, true story...)

You get the idea.

The bottom line here is that you are way more in control of your
situation here than you may think. If you take action on the things I talked about
here, and the things I will be talking about in future HOT TIPS, you will find
yourself doing much better than 99% of the photographers right now!

Hope this has been helpful,

Go For It!
Chuck Lewis


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The Lewisized "Magic Booking Packet"


Telephone Scripts - Use These & Book 78% Of Your Phone Calls!


"Raid My Vault" - All My Marketing Pieces - Yours To Copy FOREVER!




Photography Marketing & Sales Secrets

How To Bring In Lots Of Clients In A Steady Stream, and Make BIG MONEY Working 35 Hours A Week Or Less - All From Photography
