Special LIVE Online Training Presented for FREE - Not Being Recorded Or Presented Again! - TODAY, Nov. 17th, 1pm Eastern Time ONLY


PRIVACY NOTICE:  We will NEVER give or sell your information to anyone for any reason.   We value your privacy.

These Photography Pricing Secrets REVEALED - All for FREE, During This LIVE ONLINE TRAINING Event TODAY, Nov. 17th, 1:00pm - 2:30pm, Eastern Time

Here's what will be revealed in detail during this LIVE TRAINING ONLINE:

check-red1.  Our "PRICING FORMULA" - what we've used to determine our pricing structure for maximum profits, and how YOU can use it for yourself.

check-red2.  One of the most astounding pricing techniques that took us years to realize - and we reveal it for you to begin using it immediately in your photography business.

check-red3.  A little known law of human psychology that will revolutionize the way you price your photography from this day forward.

Easy Time Zone Calculator:

Nov. 17th Event Start Time:

1:00pm Eastern
12:00pm Central
11:00am Mountain
10:00am Pacific
6:00pm London


check-red4.  An amazing discovery that will have a HUGE effect on KNOWING what you should be charging for your photography!

check-red5.  One of our all time favorite little known PRICING discoveries that allowed us to build the studios of our dreams, starting with NO MONEY, NO REPUTATION -  NOTHING!

check-red6.  A discussion on a powerful, proven "Fact Of Photography Pricing Success" which has proven even more true in the last two years!  VITAL KEY TO PRICING PHOTOGRAPHY!

check-red7.  A little known secret that almost no photographers know about, that if used correctly will double or triple the amount of money each of your clients gives you. This is going to seem "too easy" to you - but once you use it, it will thrill you!

Sign up now, and we'll talk to you on Nov. 17th during this event!

Thomas Morelli & Charles J. Lewis - M. Photog., Cr.


Some Words About Our Secrets & Tips - From
Photographer Tammy Griffin:

Built A NEW HOUSE Out Of Her Profits From ONE YEAR ALONE!

"Hello, Charles.  Your secrets have helped me so much!  I just sold my biggest session yet - $6400 for just one client.  It amazed me that they invested that much, and I know it's just going to get better.  I've made enough PROFITS this last year to build a new house!  This year, my profits are up by about 50%, and I'm still receiving great income from sessions I completed five months ago.  I love not having to do so many sessions, and still make the income I need.  Within months of using your secrets, everything started to come together, and I saw results immediately.  A word to any photographer who's not sure whether these secrets are right for the:  Get over it!  I'm serious!"

  -Tammy Griffin - Ocala, FL

Some Words About Our Secrets & Tips - From Dina Ivory - A Wonderful Photographer & Educator:

Making Over $600,000 PER YEAR, All From Photography!

"This stuff is priceless!  It will save you years of trial and error, and quickly add BIG dollars to your bottom line!  Thanks to many of the techniques I have learned from Chuck, I have taken a studio that used to bring in around $120,000 a year to one that now does over $600,000 a year!  (That's a difference of over $41,000 a month!)  Chuck is the one who taught me this stuff, and I will thank him for the rest of my life for that!  I tell every photographer I know that they must listen and learn from him!"

 - Dina Ivory -  Tallahasee, FL

Why Listen To Us??CJ.Tom.Todd.standing

Thomas Morelli has been a self employed professional portrait  photographer for 37 years. He has been President of the Maine  Professional Photographers Association, board member of Professional  Photographers of New England, and won Maine PPA Photographer of the Year. 

He has also won several Fuji Masterpiece and Kodak Gallery  awards.   He has been a featured speaker at several New England PPA State  conventions. Tom has photographed tens of thousands of children since  1980, along with families and High School seniors. He has a very  successful Baby Plan that keeps his studio busy all year.

Charles J. Lewis has been a professional portrait and wedding photographer for 48 years, and has achieved the status of Master Photographer, and Photographic Craftsman through PPofA.   He's also been honored with the Charles "Bud" Hayes award, and the Bill Stockwell award – both for excellence in photographic education, as well as having taught at Winona School, and most of the other respected photography schools. He's traveled around the world sharing his knowledge of photography, marketing, pricing & selling, including presenting 30 -city seminar tours where he has shared his discoveries of the best ways to make a great living in the portrait & wedding photography business.He has authored many articles for The Professional Photographer Magazine, as well as other respected photography magazines & journals.

Todd Lewis has been working side-by-side with Charles in his photography business for 27 years.   His focus has been on the marketing and selling of photography.   He is also an award winning writer, actor, and film director.

PRIVACY NOTICE:  We will NEVER give or sell your information to anyone for any reason.   We value your privacy.














Some Words About Our Secrets & Tips - From BRUCE HUDSON, Fellow Photographer & Fantastic Educator:

Hudson"Hi, Chuck - I just wanted to let you know that you are one of my biggest mentors.  Because you taught me so well, I am in the process of building a $1.8 million home on a beautiful lake.   The lifestyle I have created for my children (Josh & McKenna) has come directly from photography and YOUR TEACHINGS.  Thank you Chuck!   As you know, I'm not the type to brag with numbers, but hopefully this will inspire others that YOU ARE THE REAL DEAL.   To NOT study and implement your concepts is crazy.  Thanks again from a huge fan, student, and member of the greatest profession in the world.

           - BRUCE HUDSON, Renton, WA

Creativity International - PO Box 848, Ada, MI  49301


Contact Us:  616-868-0373