April 27th, 2pm - 3:30pm B.S.T. ONLY
EARLY REGISTRATION REQUIRED - name & email address



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CJ.Tom.Todd.2MPA MEMBERS!  Join Us On April 27th at 2pm BST ONLINE (no special computer program or hardware needed) As We reveal, once and for all, FACEBOOK MARKETING SECRETS FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS. 

Charles Lewis, Tom Morelli, and Todd Lewis here!

We have been asked SO many times to devote an entire online live training event to this one subject, so now we're doing it!

During this LIVE event, we will be walking you through EXACTLY how YOU can use FACEBOOK right now to bring in tons of clients.   Our goal with this event is to go BEYOND just showing how we're doing it - we want to GIVE YOU the model for how you can get similar results - FAST.

NOTE:  You MUST PRE-REGISTER ahead of time to join us for this event, and we are only able to take a very limited number of photographers, due to the live technology being used.  So, this event WILL fill up, so get registered now.  Only your name and email address are needed, and we will NEVER give or sell this information to anyone else EVER. 

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SEE, HEAR, AND DISCOVER THESE SECRETS - LIVE - During This 1 1/2 Hour Event:

check-redThe "2016 FB-POST FORMULA" - Did you know there's a formula for using FB posts to bring in clients FAST?   If you deviate from this formula, even a little bit, your posts are nearly USELESS.   We have perfected this formula, and we are going to reveal it in great detail during this live training ONLINE event.

check-redCracking The "Boosted Posts" Code - More than any other aspect of Facebook - BOOSTED POSTS are the most effective way to bring in new clients quickly, easily, and VERY inexpensively.... BUT....  there is a right way and a VERY wrong way to do them!  We will reveal to you the RIGHT WAY, and show you actual results on how they are working right now! 

check-redHow To Use Facebook "TAGGING"  to SKY-ROCKET Your Photo Bookings - this single tip could be worth thousands of dollars to you within the first 2 weeks of using it.   It's nearly INSTANT FINANCIAL gratification (and we like that, don't we?)

check-redThe "ADD THE AD" Facebook Myth - Facebook PPC (Pay-Per -Click) ads have been the talk of the photography industry for a while - but do they ACTUALLY WORK?   (hint:  YES.  Oh, yes.)   We will dispel the myth once and for all, and show ads that actually work, and reveal WHY.

check-redJust "POSTING" Isn't Enough - You must take the NEXT STEP (the step 87% of all photographers don't know to do) - during this section of the event, we will give priceless tips on driving people to webpages that get clients to book with you - FAST.

check-redFacebook's "PRIME-TIME POSTS" - ever wonder when the best times of day are to post for max results on Facebook?   We've figured it out, and we're going to reveal those secret "Prime-Time Posts" to you...  (note:   post at the WRONG time = little result..... post at the RIGHT time = GREAT results...)

check-red3 Easy Ways to Build Friends & Page Likes Quickly and Effectively - if you don't do this, nothing else matters!   The best posts in the world mean NOTHING if you don't have friends who will see them.   MAJOR "PAGE-LIKE" SECRETS REVEALED...

check-redQ&A Session - We answer your FB questions - LIVE!

...and much, much more.... we're cramming a LOT of great secrets into 1 1/2 hours - NO B.S., no time for idol chatting.   This is going to rock!

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Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546


Contact Us:  616-956-0053