WARNING: This is ONLY for serious photographers - Inner-Circle Members of ours who are ready to do whatever it takes to transform their photography business into a MONEY-MAKING DREAM STUDIO - by having 3 photography business experts RUN YOUR BUSINESS with you for 8 weeks.

swimmer family

We love photography.  But that doesn't mean we have to do it JUST for the love of it!  I've made over $4,000,000 so far - all from photography, and Tom Morelli is making over $100,000 EACH YEAR - all from photography.   Let US help you run your business over 8 weeks, and capitalize on the YEARS of experience we have!

Charles Lewis here, and I have a question for you:

Is It Time?   Are You Sick & Tired Of KNOWING In Your Heart That You Should Be Making More Money, Working LESS Hours, And Enjoying Your Photography Business Every Day?  Have You Wished You Could Have 3 Photography Business EXPERTS By Your Side - Coaching You Through Everything Over 8 Short Weeks?

Well, now you'll get just that - PERSONALIZED group coaching, with 3 experts, and only 10 total photographers as part of the coaching group!  This is access unlike anything we've ever done before.


The single thing we hear the most from photographers is this: "I just want to hire YOU to run my business for me! I'm feeling the stress of running my own business, pretty much by myself, and life is short, so I want to find the fastest way possible to have the photo business of my dreams!"

That's exactly why we're creating this GET IT DONE FAST PHOTOGRAPHY COACHING GROUP right now.

And that's why we are ONLY inviting Inner-Circle members, like you - people who have already shown that they are dedicated to making it BIG with their photography businesses into this group. 

Only the true DOERS will be joining us for this, and we will succeed!

CJ.Tom.Todd.standingOver 8 Weeks, We Will Group Coach You And The Other 9 COACHING Members - With The Goal Being To Help You In The Two BIGGEST Areas Of Your Photography Business - Your Marketing & Selling.  Without Those, No Photographer Will Be A Financial Success.

You'll have ALL THREE OF US - Me (Charles Lewis) Thomas Morelli, and Todd Lewis - on each coaching session, working with each of you!   We MIGHT even do "BREAKOUT SESSIONS" where one of the three of us takes a smaller group into a new online session, and works even closer with them.

So, what are we talking about here?   Welcome to the:


This goes well beyond nearly anything we've done in over 44 years in the photography industry, and over 30 years educating photographers on how to be successful! 

It's as if WE ARE YOUR MARKETING & SALES DIRECTOR... within your SPECIFIC photography business, for 8 weeks - helping you make every decision, make every possible tweak, and to create a photography business that is built on our DECADES of experience - what will that be worth to you?

This will involve WEEKLY GROUP COACHING SESSIONS, as well as correspondence and homework throughout the week - all designed with ONE GOAL IN MIND:  To transform your business into a creative and massive-profit-generating business RIGHT NOW.

Plus, because these are GROUP coaching sessions we'll be doing with you AND the other 9 photographers each week, you'll learn from how we are transforming the OTHER photographers' businesses as well!

Over 8 weeks, during our 2-to-3 hour weekly group coaching sessions, Tom and Todd and I will personally coach the group in the following areas:

    • STATUS, GOALS, & MOTIVATION:   we will find out how you, as a "Coaching Member," are doing with your business, and talk about the biggest challenges you are having right now.  We will do this for EACH Coaching Member.  We'll also go over some new motivation and planning techniques to make sure each Coaching Member gets more done each week without ever feeling overwhelmed.
    • SPECIFIC MARKETING COACHING:   We will COACH each attendee, including you, on what to do next to bring in the most profit in the least amount of time with the least amount of work.  We'll do this through planning out your marketing with you, giving you templates as needed, co-creating marketing campaigns with you, and more.  Our goal is to create your complete MARKETING CALENDAR for the year, with dates, marketing campaigns, and follow ups all planned out and ready to go.
    • ROLEPLAYING:   We will devote chunks of time to ROLEPLAYING.  Here, you'll have the opportunity to take part in live roleplays designed to make you quickly a PRO at selling yourself and your photography over the phone and in person.   You can even be the "client" in a roleplay, if you like, and we will be the "photographer," so you can give us a really hard time and see exactly how we handle it.  You WILL become an incredible photography-booking PRO in less time than with any other technique on the planet by doing this with us!
    • MASTERING SELLING THE EASIEST WAY EVER – we're going to coach the members of this group how to be the best IN PERSON seller of photographic services they can be!   This is one of the keys to success in photography today, and the best single way to master it is by coaching with the masters.  All three of us are EXPERT sales people, with a combined 98 YEARS of experience!
    • MUCH, MUCH MORE – while we have a great plan put together for this program, the nature of it being a small group of 10 and it being COACHING means that we will be tailoring each session to our group and the individuals in that group.  This is not about CANNED programs or broad techniques.  We want this to be true Coaching – with a small but passionate and excited group, and more than anything, we want you to see HUGE results.  So, we will undoubtedly come up with things even we didn't expect during each of our Coaching Online Meetings.
  • This will be an INVESTMENT for you - not only in your photography business, but in your own happiness, well-being, and your future.   Just imagine what it will be like when you're making great money in photography, while only working 30-40 hours a week.   What will you do with that extra time and money?


Take more vacations?


Buy a dream house?


More quality time with others?

However you choose to use your success:  THAT'S UP TO YOU.  We are going to transform your business from the inside over these 8 weeks so you HAVE THAT CHOICE.  Again, life is short - we want to help you make the most out of it you can - quickly.  No more waiting around.  No trial and error.   Let's make the changes that need to be changed, and help you have the lifestyle you've always wanted to have.


Only Inner-Circle Members may join

A maximum of 10 Members may be part of it (to allow all the one-on-one focus)

We will meet, online, ONCE A  WEEK for 8 WEEKS at a designed time, for 2-3 hours, and everyone will be REQUIRED to attend every online coaching session – the only exceptions being true emergencies.  We will do our best once the group is assembled to pick a day and time of week that works best for everyone.   The requirement to attend all meetings is to insure that you get the results you want from this – to make sure we are all there and accountable and making it happen

You MUST join the weekly coaching sessions via a computer (desktop or laptop, MAC or PC) - no mobile devices!   Due to the interactive nature, and the degree to which we'll be sharing stuff, mobile devices simply will not work.

Homework will be assigned each week, and one-on-one attention will be paid to each attendee, during the weekly sessions, and via email throughout each week, to make sure the biggest challenges in your specific photography business are taken care of during this 8-week session.

Each Coaching Member will be required to invest $1200 total upfront to be part of this group for the 8 week meeting schedule (which is much less than non-members would be charged, if we were to do this for non-members, which we are not doing at this time).  There will be no additional charges to be part of this 8-week coaching group.


HERE'S HOW TO APPLY TO BECOME PART OF THIS GROUP (only 10 total Inner-Circle members will be approved, and at 4 have already applied, possibly more by the time you read this!)



First Name

Last Name

What Is The Biggest Reason You Feel You Should Be One Of The 10 Photo Members Selected To Be Part Of This Coaching?

Do You Commit To Being On ALL 8 Of  The Weekly Live Coaching Sessions, And Staying Through The full 2 Hours?

What Do You Feel Are Your TOP 3 BIGGEST Challenges In Your Photography Business RIGHT NOW?

Do You Commit To Doing The HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Given During Each Live Coaching Session?

 How Much Money Did You Bring in From Photography LAST YEAR (gross, not profit)?

How Much Money Do You WANT To Make in PROFIT Per Year From Photography?

On A Scale of 1-10, With 10 Being The HIGHEST, How Serious Would You Rate Your Desire or Need To Do This Program?

How Many Years Have You Been In Business As A Photographer (full or part-time)?

Are There Any Other Things You'd Like Us To Know About Yourself Before Considering Your Application For This Coaching?

AFTER CLICKING SUBMIT, YOU WILL BE TAKEN TO THE SHOPPING CART PAGE TO ENTER YOUR CREDIT CARD INFO FOR THE $1200 INVESTMENT FOR THIS PROGRAM.   Your card will NOT be charged now.  But you MUST fill that information out as well in order to be considered for the program.   You will be NOTIFIED BY EMAIL OR PHONE if you're accepted into the program, and your card will be charged just before you being the coaching.    - THANKS!

Press SUBMIT to proceed to step.2

NOTE:  You must answer all questions above before hitting submit, thank you!


This program will start around the beginning or middle of MARCH at the latest.  We will let you know the dates of the weekly coaching once we have our 10 members selected.

Only $1200 for GROUP COACHING from 3 leading photography marketing and sales experts.   That's LESS THAN THE COST OF A GOOD LENS FOR YOUR CAMERA, and will be worth so much more.  Think of being able to purchase every lens or camera you want for the rest of your life!  That's where you'll be headed when you let us "take control" of your business for 8 weeks!

You Have A Choice - What Do You Invest Your Time & Money On?   Avoid the disastrous temptation that most photographers fall into - the "Equipment vs. Business" TRAP!


Don't buy that new lens you've been eyeing!

Don't invest in that new fancy photography website template people you don't know are telling you to get!

Don't waste money on marketing theories and empty promises from educators who are NOT where you want to be!


Do join this COACHING GROUP, and let me, Tom and Todd work with you over 8 weeks to transform your photography business in a way that no other education or training could ever do.

You're Ready For This.  You ARE.  It's Time.  Time Is Moving Forward.  Life Is Short.  You Deserve The Photography Business of Your Dreams, And You Deserve It NOW.

Don't let another week, another month, another year go by where your photography business isn't making you the kind of money or giving you the type of lifestyle you'd like to have.   This is the time.  This is the opportunity.  Make a change, and we'll help you through it every step of the way.


First off, if you do the math, you'll see that this is NOT about us making money by having you do this.  Ten members, each investing $1200 for these 8 weeks – that's just $12,000 to us.  Now, that may seem like a lot of money, but realize that it will take up a lot of our time and energy over 2 months, and that's all three of us - me, Todd, and Tom!  We can make more than that from just FOUR 90-minute FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHY SESSIONS over the course of a few days or a week at the most. 

We are simply doing this because we want to allow a few DRIVEN and PASSIONATE Inner-Circle members to go to the next level, and see great results.  Period.   We know there are members of ours who want even more – who are the DO-ERS – who are ready to discover their full potential, and who are ready to make over $100,000 per year from photography or more.  

Fill out the application above, and we'll contact you within a week or so to let you know if you're approved to be part of this historic coaching program.

Have a great rest of the week.

Charles J. Lewis
M. Photog., Cr.


Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546


Contact Us:  616-956-0053