


These Photography Pricing Secrets REVEALED - All for FREE, During This LIVE Event - This Wednesday, Feb. 2nd,
1pm - 2:30pm, Eastern Time:

1.  An amazing discovery that will have a HUGE effect on KNOWING what you should be charging for your photography!

2.  One of the most astounding pricing techniques that took me years to realize - and  I reveal it for you to begin using it immediately in your photography business.

3.  A little known law of human psychology that will revolutionize the way you price your photography from this day forward.

4.  My "PRICING FORMULA" - what I've used to determine my pricing structure for maximum profits, and how YOU can use it for yourself.

5.  One of my all time favorite little known PRICING discoveries that allowed me to build the studio of my dreams, starting with NO MONEY, NO REPUTATION, NO NOTHING!

6.  A discussion on a powerful, proven "Fact Of Photography Pricing Success" which has proven even more true in the last two years!  VITAL KEY TO PRICING PHOTOGRAPHY!

7.  A little known secret that almost no photographers know about, that if used correctly will double or triple the amount of money each of your clients gives you. This is going to seem "too easy" to you - but once you use it, it will thrill you!


LIVE - "The PHOTOGRAPHERS' Pricing & Packaging Top-Secret ONLINE EVENT!"

First Name:

Last Name:


Your Timezone:

Feel free to pick the timezone closest to you for your reminder, or just leave as EST

(your information will never be sold or shared with anyone for ANY reason)

Sign up now, and I'll talk to you on Wednesday during this event! CJ-Signature

Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
PO Box 848, Ada, MI  49301


Contact Us:  616-868-0373