
stopStop!   Do NOT Do Anything Else With Your Photography Business Till You Read This. 

"I'll PERSONALLY Run Your Photo Business For With For 6 Months, And If You Don't Make Money, I Don't Get Paid."

Photography MarketerDear RAIDER,

The photography industry is in a crisis right now.   Photographers all over the country are struggling, and watching their clients just dry up and blow away.

Have you had this frustrating thought recently:  "I don't know what to do.   My phone isn't ringing, people aren't looking for photography, and I don't have money lying around to throw into more agressive marketing right now.   I feel completely lost, I'm being kept up at night wondering what to do next, and I've actually thought about cutting my business way back to try to save money.   Help!"

I'm on a mission.    I'm really disturbed by what I'm hearing throughout the photography industry - so many photographers feeling completely frustrated, worried, and helpless in many ways.   There's no need for that to happen - truly there isn't.

I've survived 4 recessions over the last 40 years, and this will be the 5th.   There ARE things that can be done right now to not only survive, but THRIVE during this recession... 


I'm NOT going to tell you what those "generic" secrets are, and I'm not going to sell them to you.

I'm going to do better than that.   It would take too long to tell you generic things to do right now to make money in photography.   It would take you too long to get them implemented.   And, if you're as frustrated and angry as many photographers are with this economy, you don't WANT to have to learn new ways to do things.

  So, For 7 Of My Best Students ONLY - My RAIDERS -  (no joke, no hype - this is ALL I have time for) - I'm going to RUN your photography business with you for 6 months, and if you don't see an IMMEDIATE profit, you don't pay me!   In fact, you're going to have my entire staff running your business - an entire team of experts ready to make you great money FAST during this recession.  

Are you serious about making money right now?   Are you sick and tired of feeling like you have to curl up in a corner and "ride this recession out?"   Are you ready to have me and my staff put your business on SUPER-SPEED toward making some fast money, right now?

I know there will be a lot of photographers wanting us to do this for them.   And because we can only do this for 7 Raiders MAX (due to all the one-on-one personal time it will take with each photography business), we are only going to allow the real GO-GETTERS to do this.


Below, you will find an ONLINE application to fill out.   Please fill out EVERY question to the best of your ability, and know that I will NEVER share any of this information with ANYONE for any reason.   Only myself and my son Todd will ever see your answers.

Announcing MY  RECESSION-BUSTING INSTANT PROFITS PROGRAM...ONE-ON-ONE Access Where My Staff And I Run Your Business For You...

Do NOT wait to submit your application.   The first 7 applications that are approved will be chosen for this RECESSION-BUSTING program.

So, You're Probably Wondering - "What's The Cost For This Program?  Times Are Tough - I need To Watch Every Penny!"

Here's the really good news - I only get paid if YOU make a SERIOUS PROFIT from the specific secrets I put in place for you.  Here's how it's going to work:

If your application is approved, and you're one of the first 7 photographers - you will be able to become part of this RECESSION-BUSTING INSTANT PROFITS PROGRAM.

You will be contacted by Cheri to get you started.  We will setup your first PERSONAL, ONLINE, ONE-ON-ONE, session with Todd & myself.   During this session, for FREE, Todd and I will outline our plan for making you money FAST, right now, during this recession.  Based on your business location, how much you are charging now, and other factors, we will layout the plan for you.  

At that point, we will schedule our "working hours" with you.   It's going to be as if Todd, Cheri, and I are YOUR PERSONAL STAFF, putting together your complete system for bringing in great money fast.   That's what this is all about.   QUICK RESULTS.  

We will be working with you, running your photography business with you.   Through an amazing LIVE ONLINE TECHNOLOGY, it will be as if we are right there with you, working side-by-side, making your business ultra-profitable.

Now, obviously, we can't do this for free.   However, we're going to make you this promise:   If you don't see profits coming in - INSTANTLY - from the stuff we put into place for you, you DO NOT PAY US.   It's that simple.

After your first FREE online session with Todd and me, you will be charged $700 per month to have us on your staff.   ONLY $700 per month, and you have three of the best photographic business minds in the country working for you.  

PLUS, remember, if we don't make you WAY MORE THAN $700 a month in additional PROFITS, we will REFUND that month's fee right back to you.  

We HAVE to make you money, or we are working for you for free.

You've done the math.   Where could you EVER get a single person to work for you for $700 a month?   Plus, you'd have to pay health benefits, and other costs, plus there would be no guarantee of results.   Here, you're not only getting 3 staff members for $700 a month - you're getting 3 PHOTOGRAPHIC MARKETING & SALES EXPERTS, plus the guarantee that you'll make money or you don't pay. 

You can see why we can only do this for 7 photographers.   This will take up a LOT of our time.   We are dedicated to making you a lot of money, even during these economically challenging times.

So, fill out your application right now, and hit the submit button at the bottom.   You're risking nothing - if you are chosen, we will contact you to set up your first FREE consultation, and go from there.


Please Answer ALL Of The Questions Below.  (Be honest - remember, we will not share thins information with anyone, but it's important to know the honest answers so we know if this program is right for you, and if you're right for the program.)   After we've gone through all the applications, we will contact you to let you know whether you are one of the chosen 7 for this program.




Tell Us About Your Photography Business

Rate the following on a scale from 1-5, according to how much of a challenge they are for you:

(1=big problem for you, 2=medium problem, 3=somewhat of a problem, 4= rarely, 5=not a problem at all)

Generating new clients consistently

Increasing # of Repeat Clients 

Raising Prices

Structuring my business so it runs smoothly and I don't have to get bogged down in busy work

Leading a BALANCED life and taking as much time off as I'd like

Finding good staff support people

Getting high average sales consistently 

Finding good sales people

Handling the telephone properly and getting prospects in the door once they call

Please fill in the appropriate ANSWER to the following:

Number of hours you work weekly

Weeks of vacation you'll take this year

Number of hours you'd LIKE to work weekly

Weeks off you'd like to have each year

Please answer these questions:

Personal net income in the past 12 months:


How much would you like to increase your net income in the next 12 months?

If I continue with my business in the direction it's going, I'll be financially independent in 3 -5 years. 

Answer the following questions using one of either (Often, Sometimes, Rarely or Never)

I feel guilty taking time off. 

I'm very confident in my ability to hire and train new employees.

If my school's class reunion was next month, I'd feel excited about going. 

I feel guilty about not giving enough time to my spouse, children or other relationships in my life.

Briefly describe why you feel you're a good candidate for this program: 




I'll look forward to reading your application, and let's make this one the best years yet in your photography business.


Charles Lewis
M.Photog., Cr.



Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546

PRIVACY POLICY:  None of your information will EVER be sold, given, or shared with ANYONE for any reason.

Contact Us:  616-956-0053


Photography Marketing & Sales Secrets

How To Bring In Lots Of Clients In A Steady Stream, and Make BIG MONEY Working 35 Hours A Week Or Less - All From Photography
