ONE TIME ONLY - Not Recorded Or Repeated - TODAY, Sept. 26th, 1pm Eastern Time - 2 hours


PRIVACY NOTICE:  We will NEVER give or sell your information to anyone for any reason.   We value your privacy.

Ivory.Dina"Thanks to many of the techniques I have learned from Chuck, I have taken a studio to one that now does over $600,000 a year!"
-Dina Ivory
Tallahassee, FL


"If it hadn't have been for discovering Chuck's program, I would NOT be in business now.  There's no question of it.  My business would have completely failed."
-Nigel Merrick Oakland, TN


"I Would Say These Secrets Have Been Worth, To Us, About $75,000 Over The Years!"
-Steven Filarsky
Franklinton, NC


"Average sale up by 400% - One-quarter-year profits of $30,000!   For no more work than I was doing before!
-Jenny Wallace-Crouse
Kingwood, TX


NOTE:  Once you register, DON'T click away from the confirmation page.  You will be taken within 10 seconds to a page where you can view and/or download the WORKBOOK and NOTES for the event, if you haven't done so already.  These will help you to make note-taking easier during the event today.