Morelli-senior-webinarMISSED THE WEBINAR?  WATCH ONLINE ANY TIME - "Photographer & SENIOR MARKETING EXPERT Thomas Morelli Reveals His SENIOR MARKETING SECRETS That Bring In Clients Like CRAZY - Right Now During This 2010 Senior SEASON!" -
ONLY $1 for 10 DAY ACCESS!  (normal price $29)

Just a Few Of The Great Positive Comments From The Attendees Of Our LAST Webinar Event With Thomas Morelli:

"A great way to grow a photography studio." - David Grush

"The information is very helpful and able to be put to use immediately." - Ursula Ostrowski

"The information was on the cutting edge in terms of what works now to build your business." - Brian Schmitt

"Knowledge is power and power creates action.  Taking action on these key steps helps propel me towards my ultimate goal of becoming a full time photographer." - Penny Russell

"I discovered information I didn't have the idea could work so well promoting your work." - Carlos Reed

"Very informative!" - Debra Weisheit

"Valuable information that has the ability to increase revenue that same day!" - Gail Morello

"This webinar could have the possibility to change my business. I took so many notes and I hope to start implementing Toms ideas immediately!!" - Buck McCann

"Fantastic, very timely and current - answered lots of questions I had." - Clark Knight

"Great information, well thought out and presented!" - Aurora Onoraot

"Awesome webinar!" - Char Biamonte

Join Us Now As We Welcome Back THOMAS MORELLI, An ULTRA-SUCCESSFUL Photographer In Brewer, Maine.  During This WEBINAR REPLAY (that you can watch ANYTIME YOU LIKE), He's Going To Reveal HUGE Secrets To SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHY MARKETING - A Subject That You Should Be Thinking About Right Now!   

This webinar event was HUGE this past Tuesday!   If you missed it, you have one last chance to check it out, and this time you can watch it ANYTIME YOU WANT (and as many times as you want) over the next 10 days!   We recorded this event, and have posted the entire thing - all 2 hours plus of it - online, and I'm going to let you access it for just $1 for the next 10 days.   PLUS, you'll have access to an entire MEMBERSHIP SITE FULL OF STUFF (including Tom's other webinar on FACEBOOK marketing, and the Campanellie LIGHTING, POSING, and ENHANCEMENT webinar) for 10 days of unlimited access as well!   Again, all for just $1...

CJ-Signature-   Charles LewisCJ-with-camera

Here's Just Some Of What Tom Morelli Covered During This 2-hour EVENT (That You Can Watch In Un-Edited Form ANYTIME For The Next 10 Days):

 "Instant Profits" Senior Marketing Direct Mail Campaigns! - Nothing held back!   Tom has agreed to SHOW, in FULL-COLOR and GREAT DETAIL, right on your computer screen, his most successful and profitable DIRECT MAIL CAMPAIGNS.   If you think direct mail is dead because of the internet, you are in for a real shock when you see what's REALLY working!
Here are just a few samples of the over 80 visuals Tom will show you during this event:

The "Senior Model Experience" - Tom has created one of the most successful systems I've ever seen to SET HIMSELF APART from all other photographers around him.   This "Senior Model Experience" makes every senior within a 50-mile radius nearly DEMAND that Tom be their photographer.   He not only revealed what this secret is, he SHOWS YOU exactly how to duplicate it in your town.   Don't let your competition know about this one!

How To Use VIDEOS ONLINE To Drive Senior's To Your Studio Like MAGIC - If you think video is expensive, or you don't have the equipment to do it right, or you wouldn't know where to start, then THIS SECTION of the webinar is going to open your eyes wider than a child's on Christmas morning!  In fact, 3 little-known secrets of using ONLINE VIDEOS will give you all you need to start using this concept within a few hours.   You will be able to go from idea to finished video in less than 1 hour...  And the beauty is - no more burning DVDs to send these out - it's all ONLINE, and it's all nearly FREE!


      CLICK HERE if outside the U.S.
      You get a trial membership (with FULL UNLIMITED ACCESS to the Inner-Circle Photographer's Money-Making Membership Site For 10 Days) Including the WEBINAR REPLAYS for only $1!   Plus, starting in MAY, if you don't cancel, you will be able to remain a member at the special discounted rate of only $29 per month ($34 if you're outside the U.S.) to continue your access to the site as long as you want to stay a member.   Again, you may cancel at ANY TIME.

Tom's "Hip To Be Square" Senior INSTANT RAPPORT BONANZA - In this economic climate, with so many competing photographers out there, you MUST think OUTSIDE THE BOX to build an "INSTANT RAPPORT" with the seniors out there.   Tom has come up with a CUTTING EDGE (and slightly crazy) way of doing this.   What I love about it is - it's so darned easy !   And so few photographers are using this simple strategy.  By the end of this event, you'll have all the secrets you need to master it for yourself.   And this "HIP-TO-BE-SQUARE" system will NOT involve you having to dress like this:


3 RENEGADE Senior Marketing Strategies That Slip "Under The Radar," And Drive Clients To Call You Without Them EVER Feeling "SOLD."  In addition to the TONS of other Senior Marketing tips, secrets, and strategies you're going to take away from this event, Tom has PULLED THE CURTAIN BACK on some special DOWN-AND-DIRTY Renegade secrets that cost very little money, but bring in clients virtually by the truck-load.  These secrets will work to whatever degree you want them to - the more you implement them, the more clients you get.   Simply "turn the valve" to watch the customers flow...morelli-marketing.14morelli-marketing.13morelli-marketing.9

3 WORDS - "Referrals, Referrals, Referrals!" Admit it - you've thought it - "I want my own clients to sell me to their friends."  You are going to LOVE this.   Tom has put together a REFERRAL PROGRAM for graduating seniors that is blowing his accountant's mind!   With this system, he could practically STOP doing his other senior marketing, and STILL have a great season (but he's not going to do that....)!   He's going to pass this system on to you so you can start using it immediately.

How To Get DISPLAYS In Local High Schools For FREE! -  Want to know the single BEST way to get your work in the high schools, WITHOUT having to worry about who the "official photographer" of the school is?   Want to know exactly what to say to make it nearly impossible for the "powers-that-be" to say NO to you?   Tom's "Display Generating Formula" will give you all the confidence and power you need to make it happen!

How To Create Photographs That "They Can't Do Themselves!" - You know what we're talking about - there's the perception out there with a lot of seniors that "anyone can create my senior photographs - even me myself!"   Well, that's so untrue, but how do we let our clients know that, and get them to want to work with US (and pay more money)?   Tom shatters this problem once and for all with a solution that is so brilliant, it should be illegal!
Just one example of the amazing secrets Tom uses to create work that they CAN'T do themselves:


Auctions & Fundraisers That Bring In Senior Clients (and OTHER clients) Like Crazy! - Getting new clients in the door can feel like such an up hill battle, but imagine having a system at your fingertips that would do just that.   Through specific tips and secrets, Tom is going to unlock the magic of AUCTIONS & FUNDRAISERS to you.   This one idea has the potential to make you more money in the next 6 to 12 months than you can imagine...

Q&A Session - Tom answers MAJOR SENIOR MARKETING questions - submitted by the attendees on the event!

Also, You'll Be Invited Into Tom's Studio To See What He's Up To, And How His Studio Looks.  You'll see how the DESIGN & LAYOUT of his studio is maximized for great profits from Senior photography, as well as other types of portrait photography. 

And We'll Also Show Off Some Of Tom's Best Senior Photography, So You Can See What Is REALLY Selling To His Clients Right Now.

and much, much more....

CLICK HERE if outside the U.S.
You get a trial membership (with FULL UNLIMITED ACCESS to the Inner-Circle Photographer's Money-Making Membership Site For 10 Days) Including the WEBINAR REPLAYS for only $1!   Plus, starting in MAY, if you don't cancel, you will be able to remain a member at the special discounted rate of only $29 per month ($34 if you're outside the U.S.) to continue your access to the site as long as you want to stay a member.   Again, you may cancel at ANY TIME.

ADDITIONAL MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS (in addition to getting to watch this online event ANYTIME YOU WANT):

APRIL, 2010 TRIAL MEMBERSHIP - You Become A Trial Member For The Next 10 DAYS For Just $1 - Cancel ANY TIME

As A Member Of Our

IC-membership-cardAccess To A FULL ONLINE MEMBERSHIP SITE Jam Packed With Photography Money-Making Secrets, Including 11 FULL -LENGTH Videos, Tons of Audio, My Photography "TELECHARTS" For Instant Download, Photography Pricelists and Packages all Laid Out, Printed Materials, And MUCH MORE!   YOU GET ACCESS FOR THE REST OF APRIL FOR YOUR $1 RIGHT NOW!    And you may cancel ANY TIME.

IC-never-worry-cdA Brand-New FULL-LENGTH Audio CD - Delivered To Your DOOR Each Month!  YOU GET THE APRIL ISSUE FOR YOUR $1 RIGHT NOW!  Each months' ALL-NEW CD will be JAM-PACKED with specific secrets for making GREAT money in photography.   These are the LATEST secrets, recorded new each month, so you're sure to get the best techniques for running your photography business!  And you may cancel ANY TIME.

IC-newslettersA New Issue Of The "INNER-CIRCLE Photographers' PLAYBOOK" - Delivered To Your DOOR Each Month!  YOU GET THE APRIL ISSUE FOR YOUR $1 RIGHT NOW! You'll get this INSIDERS PLAYBOOK in which we reveal hard-fact tips and strategies for pricing, marketing, selling, internet - EVERYTHING.   A play-by-play system guiding you to amazing profits in photography.   And you may cancel ANY TIME.

phoneDIRECT ACCESS TO YOUR PHOTO-SUCCESS TEAM! - Every few months, we will have an INNER-CIRCLE call-in day.   During these days, our Inner-Circle members have direct access to me by telephone.   This is basically ONE-ON-ONE consulting, where you can ask me any questions, bring up any challenges, and I'll help you every step of the way.  You'll also have 24/7 access to a special MEMBERS-ONLY email address that you can use to email me questions any time.   This is UNPRECEDENTED access to me and my team!

campanellie-webinar-rebroadcastMEMBERS-ONLY Hot-Tips, Webinars, And More!  You'll be part of this elite group, and as part of that, you'll have access to members-only webinars, hot-tips, email blasts, additional online audio programs, and more as they become available.   ALL INCLUDED IN YOUR MEMBERSHIP.


You get a trial membership (including the APRIL CD & Newsletter PLUS Unlimited Access to The MEMBERSHIP SITE) Including the WEBINAR REPLAYS for only $1!   Plus, starting in MAY, if you don't cancel, you will be able to remain a member at the special discounted rate of only $29 per month ($34 if you're outside the U.S.) for this membership as long as you want to stay a member.   Again, you may cancel at ANY TIME.
CLICK HERE if outside the U.S.


The "Facebook Photo-Marketing Secrets" webinar recording

CampanellieThe "Lighting, Posing, and Enhancement" webinar recording

This $1 "Watch Any time" Offer Absolutely ENDS In:


Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546

PRIVACY POLICY:  None of your information will EVER be sold, given, or shared with ANYONE for any reason.

Contact Us:  616-956-9433