
Portrait & Wedding Photographers ONLY! -
 "How To Combat This Crazy Recession!  7 Lies & Myths Being Spread Throughout The Photo Industry, And Secrets You Can Use To THRIVE Right Now"

Photography Marketerby:  Charles J. Lewis


Okay, I'm glad you're here right now - I've had to throw this together pretty quickly, but it's vital right now.  No joke - this video is going to seriously anger a lot of photographers, due to the things I have to say about what's going on in the photography industry right now.   Once word gets out that this video is on here, I fully expect to get hit with a bunch of emails telling me to take it down.  

Whether I'll cave or not, we'll see ---

--but I absolutely WILL be taking this video off this site by the time the counter at the top of this page runs out.   It's simply not right to leave it up too long - you'll see what I mean when you watch it.




(this page will open in a separate window so you can keep watching the video - YOU MAY NEED TO DISABLE POP-UP BLOCKER to see this window)



Charles Lewis
M.Photog., Cr.

P.S. - Don't wait to click on that link above, and reserve a spot for this COMPLETELY FREE, online event - NO PHONE NEEDED!   It's live, it's free, and it's one-time-only.   It will fill up, so, get your free spot now by clicking on the link above, and filling in your name and email address.  NOTE:   We will NEVER share or sell your name or email address to anyone for any reason.   We value your privacy. I'll talk to you on Jan. 21st!












Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546

PRIVACY POLICY:  None of your information will EVER be sold, given, or shared with ANYONE for any reason.

Contact Us:  616-956-0053


Photography Marketing & Sales Secrets

How To Bring In Lots Of Clients In A Steady Stream, and Make BIG MONEY Working 35 Hours A Week Or Less - All From Photography
