
I've Arranged To Let You Into A FREE Conference Call Event On
MARCH 31st at 1:00pm EASTERN TIME - So You Can Listen In On This Secret Call! 
(Don't Panic - You Will NOT Be Speaking, Just Listening To All The Secrets!)


IMPORTANT NOTE:  The Number Of Photographers We Can Accommodate On This Conference Call Is STRICTLY LIMITED!  And as of now, we only have 97 of those slots left!  That's all the online spots we can afford to reserve for this conference, and they will fill very quickly - so take that action now by signing up on the RIGHT!

LISTEN To What TAMMY GRIFFIN - A Photographer in Ocala, Florida Has To Say About A Few Of The Secrets That Will Be Revealed To You As You Listen In On This Conference Call:
(Just click on the PLAY Button below & to the left)

"I Do Exactly What You Say, And I Get The Results You Promised!  This Year, I Raised My NET PROFIT 17% - Getting A $5000 to $8000 Average Sale!"  

Listen To The Rest Of Her Story Above!

-Tammy Griffin - Ocala, FL

"We've Had It Up To HERE! (I've got my hand ABOVE my head right now) It's Time To Bust This RECESSION Once & For All - At Least For Us Photographers."

 Dear Photographer,

We may not be able to stop this recession for everyone out there (I wish we could), but we certainly can make sure that us photographers are making great PROFITS with our businesses.

Have You Thought This Recently?   "With this economy the way it is, almost no one is buying photography!"

Or, if you haven't thought this yourself, you've probably heard photographers saying this at conventions, in chat-rooms, on message boards...

However, I KNOW FOR A FACT that, while so many photographers are complaining, there are other photographers who are THRIVING - doing GREAT business - and making TONS of money right now.  Why is that?  What are they doing differently?    We are going to be revealing those exact secrets during this TOP-SECRET conference call (that you can listen in on for FREE - and legally, I might add) on March 31st ONLY.

WANT THE SECRETS TO MAKING PILES OF CASH FROM PHOTOGRAPHY, RIGHT NOW, IN THE SPRING of 2009?  Want To Discover The Hidden Secrets The THRIVING Photographers Are Using That No One Else Seems To Know About?  Then You CANNOT Miss This Call!  

And all you need to listen in is a good-'ol-fashioned telephone!

Here's a copy of my list showing JUST A FEW of the things I will be discussing during this conference call event (sorry if it's a little hard to read):


This will be a high-paced, jam-packed 90 minutes, so to make NOTE TAKING easier for the photographers on the call, I've put together some HANDOUTS that will help you stay on top of it all! 
(You'll be able to view the handouts IMMEDIATELY after you sign up, for FREE, for this event.)

If You Want To Shovel All The B.S. Out Of The Way - Get Rid Of The Photo Marketing Stuff That Doesn't Work - And Get Some REAL-WORLD, Proven ACTION-ITEMS You Can Use Right Away To Bring In Great Money, You Simply Cannot Miss This Conference Call!

Photography is NOT an easy business.  No way.  And believe me, it's getting even tougher (or at least it SEEMS like it is).  The good news is - it doesn't have to be tough.  By listening in on this CONFERENCE CALL, you'll be hearing about the LATEST & GREATEST secrets photographers all over the country are using to make great money - RIGHT NOW.  Yes, even despite this terrible economy.  

LISTEN To What David Emberling - A Photographer in Weston, CT Has To Say About The Secrets That Will Be Revealed To You As You Listen In On This Conference Call::
(Just click on the PLAY Button below & to the left)

"Before I Started, My Average Portrait Sale Was Around $400.  Since Then, It Has Gone Up To An Average, Last Year, Of $1700!"  
Listen To The Rest Of His Story Above!

-David Emberling
Weston, CT

(BUT you MUST sign up with your name and email address to be able to listen in!)

WARNING:   As I mentioned earlier, I can only fit 97 more photographers on this conference call,arrow.2 due to limitations in cost and technology.  So, if you want to get one of those FREE slots, sign up now with the simple form on the right:

DO NOT WAIT - REGISTER TODAY SO YOU DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE!  IT'S FREE, but you MUST register NOW to get in!   Discover The Latest, Greatest Marketing & Sales Secrets for your photography business!

Once you sign up with your name and email address,  we will email you back with the CONFIDENTIAL PHONE NUMBER AND SPECIAL PASSCODE YOU NEED TO LISTEN IN ON THIS CALL.

I will talk with you on March 31st at 1:00pm EASTERN TIME!!!

Charles J. Lewis, M. Photog., Cr.

 LIVE Telephone Conference EAVESDROP SIGNUP

PRIVACY PROMISE:  We Will NEVER, For ANY Reason Give Or Sell Your Email Information To ANYONE.  We Hate SPAM As Much As You Do!

First name (required)

Last Name (required)

Email Address (required)

NOTE:  Be sure to give us the email address you check most frequently (we will NOT give, sell , or share it with ANYONE).  This is where your passcode will be emailed - if you don't get the passcode, you can't get in on the call!



 LIVE Telephone Conference EAVESDROP SIGNUP

PRIVACY PROMISE:  We Will NEVER, For ANY Reason Give Or Sell Your Email Information To ANYONE.  We Hate SPAM As Much As You Do!

First name (required)

Last Name (required)

Email Address (required)

NOTE:  Be sure to give us the email address you check most frequently (we will NOT give, sell, or share it with ANYONE).  This is where your passcode will be emailed - if you don't get the passcode, you can't get in on the call!


 LIVE Telephone Conference EAVESDROP SIGNUP

PRIVACY PROMISE:  We Will NEVER, For ANY Reason Give Or Sell Your Email Information To ANYONE.  We Hate SPAM As Much As You Do!

First name (required)

Last Name (required)

Email Address (required)

NOTE:  Be sure to give us the email address you check most frequently (we will NOT give, sell, or share it with ANYONE).  This is where your passcode will be emailed - if you don't get the passcode, you can't get in on the call!


Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546

PRIVACY POLICY:  None of your information will EVER be sold, given, or shared with ANYONE for any reason.

Contact Us:  616-956-9433