Now Is Your Chance To Help Infuse Some True POSITIVITY Into The Photographic Industry.  PLUS - The Top 3 Best SUCCESS STORIES Will Be Given A FREE 30 Minute Phone Or Online Consultation With TODD About The LATEST 2008 & 2009 Secrets To WEBSITE Marketing!

   Dear Raider,

We all need to stick together as photographers right now.   So many photographers are feeling the "pinch" of this economy, but I'm still hearing from photographers who are doing GREAT business right now, and I'd like to hear from you too.

Although I get emails and letters on a weekly basis from Raiders having great success with this system, I want to show the industry the overwhelming proof that photographers don't have to struggle during these tough economic times.

So, Let's Show The World That The Photographic Industry Is Still VERY STRONG, And Combat Some Of The Negativity Many Photographers Are Feeling Who Are Struggling So Hard.

As a "Raider" of my vault, I want to hear from you right now.   My plan is to let the rest of the photographic public know about the successes you're having - to keep photographers on the right track - knowing this is still a great profession to be in.

The more successful photographers everyone hears from right now, the better off the whole industry will be.   Let's rise up and let everyone know that photography IS a great business, and that everyone needs to stay positive! 

So, if you would fill out the form below, and submit to me YOUR success story (based on stuff you've used from the "Raid My Vault" package), I will compile them and get them out to the rest of the photography world.

I'm encouraging you to be as detailed as you can be with your success story.   Feel free to give dollar amounts of how much you've made because of one mailing.   Tell us about what you've been able to do for FUN with your life as a result of what you've used in the "Raid My Vault" package.

The 3 BEST Testimonials Will Get a FREE 30-Minute ONE-ON-ONE Consultation With Todd About The Latest Secrets Of Photographic Marketing!  This Is A $300 Value, But We Can Only Do This For The Best 3 Testimonials.  

I will pick the best 3 testimonials sent in between now and Dec. 18th, and send them the $300 CONSULTATION CERTIFICATE for free.



First name

Last Name


Success Story


Note:  Your email address will NEVER be given to anyone under any circumstances.   I hate spam as much as you do. - Chuck Lewis


Thanks again, and keep reaching for your dreams!


Charles Lewis

Dedicated To Helping You Make More Money With Your Photography



Photography Marketing & Sales Secrets

How To Bring In Lots Of Clients In A Steady Stream, and Make BIG MONEY Working 35 Hours A Week Or Less - All From Photography
