How Does Your Photography Business Stack Up?
Find Out By Taking This Quick Quiz, And Joining Other "Raiders" For A One-Time-Only Online Conference - FREE.

We're all hearing about the changes in the photography industry.   The economy.   Clients wanting all the photos on a CD or for download, and not wanting to pay much for them.   Photographers having to cut prices just to compete.

Well, now is your chance to find out where YOUR photography business stacks up - by joining other "Raid My Vault" owners during this completely free online RAIDER CONFERENCE, and hearing what other photographers are doing right now, in this economic climate.

Should you attend this FREE event on April 21st?  

Are you feeling like the phone isn't ringing as much as you'd like right now?
 YES - I want more clients calling me - I'd like to know what I can do RIGHT NOW to get more clients calling me!
 NO - I have all the clients I need

Have you caught yourself thinking "I need to lower my prices to compete right now"?
 YES - I've considered lowering my prices in the last 12 months.   I'd like to know the BETTER way to compete!
 NO - I have not considered lowering my prices at all.

Do you want to know the PROVEN secrets to making AT LEAST $150,000 pure profit this year - all from your photography business?
 YES - Please help me to know the best way to do this - FAST!
 NO - I'm already well on my way to reaching that goal.

Are you wishing you knew how to drive more clients to your website, and turn them into BOOKED sessions?
 YES - I'd like to know how to do that - not many people seem to know my website exists!
 NO - I have all the website traffic I can handle right now.

Does it feel like people are just not interested in having photography created right now - either because of the economy, or the cheap photographic competition?
 YES - Please tell me how to best find the clients who DO have money, and WANT photography right now!
 NO - I haven't noticed much of a change at all.

Would you like the most up-to-date MARKETING secrets - the ones that cost VERY little, but bring in great clients?
 YES - Saving money is good, and I would always like more clients!
 NO - I'm spending very little, AND getting lots of clients already.

arrowIf you haven't done so already, be sure to sign up for this
FREE EVENT!   It's coming up very soon...


As long as you get signed up right now, I'll talk to you LIVE on this coming TUESDAY, April 21st at 1:00pm EASTERN TIME - and you'll have all the secrets you need to LEAP-FROG your business over your competition - RIGHT NOW!

Charles Lewis
M. Photog., Cr.