PRIVACY NOTICE:  We will NEVER give or sell your information to anyone for any reason.   We value your privacy.


LIVE EVENT - Not Being Recorded - Wednesday, April 6th, 1:00pm Eastern Time - 90 minutes

CJ.Frustratedarrow.2Have You Felt Like This Lately? 

Have You Been Driven Crazy Not Knowing How To Turn Questions Like "How Much Do You Charge For Your Photography" Into Booked Sessions?   Have You Complained That Not Enough People Are Booking With You When They Call or Email You?

If you've been having ANY issues with booking clients over the phone or by email, THIS FREE 90-MINUTE WEBINAR will answer all your questions, and give you the PROVEN system to start using right away!




check-redThe COSTLIEST mistake photographers make regarding their telephone. This is an amazing discovery that will have a HUGE effect on the money you make with your photography!

check-redOne of the most astounding telephone & email booking techniques that took me years to discover, and it works like crazy.

check-redA little known law of human psychology that will revolutionize the way you respond to emails asking what you charge, or talk on the telephone to a prospective client from this day forward.

check-redA powerful, proven "Secret Of Photography Telephone & Email Success" which has proven even more effective in the last two years!

check-redA little known secret that almost no photographers know about, that if used correctly will double or triple the number of successful bookings you get from the telephone and email inquiries!

check-redOne of my all time favorite "Telephone & Email Discoveries" that will skyrocket your sales and profits! Guaranteed!

check-redMy "TELEPHONE FORMULA" for presenting your prices on the phone in such a way that most people will still want you, even after you told them the price!

check-redOne of my all time most amazing "TELEPHONE TOOLS" that allowed me to build the studio of my dreams, starting with NO MONEY, NO REPUTATION, NO NOTHING!


Ivory.Dina"Thanks to many of the techniques I have learned from Chuck, I have taken a studio to one that now does over $600,000 a year!"
-Dina Ivory  - Professional Photographer


"If it hadn't have been for discovering Chuck's program, I would NOT be in business now.  There's no question of it.  My business would have completely failed."
-Nigel Merrick -
Professional Photographer

"I Would Say These Secrets Have Been Worth, To Us, About $75,000 Over The Years!"
-Steven Filarsky -
Professional Photographer


"Average sale up by 400% - One-quarter-year profits of $30,000!   For no more work than I was doing before!
-Jenny Wallace-Crouse -
Professional Photographer


Booking Clients On The Phone or By Email SHOULD NEVER Be A Difficult Thing!   With This Simple Proven System In Place, You'll Be Ready Everytime That Phone Rings, or Whenever Someone Sends You An Email Asking For Prices - All Set To BOOK More Clients Than You Ever Thought Possible.

Join us this WEDNESDAY, April 6th, at 1pm Eastern Time for this event.   Sign up NOW, and I'll talk to you LIVE during that event:

Charles J. Lewis
M. Photog., Cr.

PRIVACY NOTICE:  We will NEVER give or sell your information to anyone for any reason.   We value your privacy.

Why Listen To Us??CJ.Tom.Todd.standing

Charles J. Lewis has been a professional portrait and wedding photographer for 42 years, and has achieved the status of Master Photographer, and Photographic Craftsman through PPofA.   He's also been honored with the Charles "Bud" Hayes award, and the Bill Stockwell award – both for excellence in photographic education, as well as having taught at Winona School, and most of the other respected photography schools. He's traveled around the world sharing his knowledge of photography, marketing, pricing & selling, including presenting 30 -city seminar tours where he has shared his discoveries of the best ways to make a great living in the portrait & wedding photography business.He has authored many articles for The Professional Photographer Magazine, as well as other respected photography magazines & journals.

Thomas Morelli has been a self employed professional portrait  photographer for 34 years. He has been President of the Maine  Professional Photographers Association, board member of Professional  Photographers of New England, and won Maine PPA Photographer of the Year in 2003.  He has also won several Fuji Masterpiece and Kodak Gallery  awards.   He has been a featured speaker at several New England PPA State  conventions. Tom has photographed tens of thousands of children since  1980, along with families and High School seniors. He has a very  successful Baby Plan that keeps his studio busy all year.

Todd Lewis has been working side-by-side with Charles in his photography business for 27 years.   His focus has been on the marketing and selling of photography.   He is also an award winning writer, actor, and film director.


Also featuring Photographer & Educator THOMAS MORELLI!

Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546


Contact Us:  616-956-0053