We Value Your Input - Feel Free To Submit A Question, Comment, Or Thoughts On What You'd Like To See In Future HOT-TIPS.

The Place To Submit Your Thoughts Is Below...

But first, I thought you'd like to know about this free ONLINE photography event coming up in about 48 hours:


FREE - - LIVE Online Event - "Make Money With Your Photography Business - RIGHT NOW - During This Recession!"

Thursday, March 19th, 2009 - 1:00pm - 3:00pm Eastern Time ONLY

LIVE, Held Over The Internet! - NO TELEPHONE NEEDED, All On Your Computer, No Cost At All.

Privacy Notice:   we will NOT give, sell or share your name or email information with ANYONE for any reason at any time.   We value your privacy.

SIGN UP HERE:   You Will Be Emailed With The Confidential Information You'll Need To Be On This LIVE Event!

Live Event Happens In

First Name:

Last Name:




If you have ANY trouble with this form, simply send an email to charles@cjlewis.com, and give us your name and email address, and let us know you want to be signed up for this event.

Here's your spot to send me your
thoughts on the hot-tips!



First name

Last Name


Comments or Thoughts


Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546

PRIVACY POLICY:  None of your information will EVER be sold, given, or shared with ANYONE for any reason.

Contact Us:  616-956-0053


Photography Marketing & Sales Secrets

How To Bring In Lots Of Clients In A Steady Stream, and Make BIG MONEY Working 35 Hours A Week Or Less - All From Photography
