Photo Marketing Campaign Critique - For The First Time EVER, Listen In As I Critique And Improve An Entire 3-Step Photography Marketing Campaign!

Hello "Raider"!

Recently, I did a marketing critique over the phone with Willis Nelson, a fellow Raid My Vault Owner who wanted me to give him some input on how to improve his photography marketing.

Now, you will get to see his marketing pieces, and listen in on the in-depth critique I did for him!  If you've EVER wondered what goes into creating a successful marketing piece, now's your chance.  I reveal secrets including customizing the mailings, what fonts to use, how to create a great double-readership path, and I even give him exact wording for key parts of the marketing piece!  There's so much information here, and only key Raid My Vault owners get to hear it.  This is quite and exclusive!

What follows is easily over $2000 worth of marketing advice, so enjoy, and take lots of notes!

During the audio program, I'll be referring to the actual marketing pieces that Willis sent to me to critique.  In order for you to get everything out of this audio program, you'll want to be looking at these marketing pieces as you listen.

Obviously - we do NOT recommend that you write your own marketing...

As a RAIDER - you have all the marketing materials you'll ever need - do NOT reinvent the wheel!  As you'll hear me say to Willis in this audio program - you should just use the proven marketing pieces we've given to you - they work, and they are yours to copy!

IMPORTANT NOTE! - We charge anywhere from $800 - $4000 to do a marketing campaign critique.  Due to our very busy schedule, and how long it takes to do each critique (as you'll see here), we CANNOT do them for free.  Please do NOT send us your marketing to critiques. If you want to inquire about our critiques, call us at 1-800-645-5199.  Thank you!


market.critique1.   PUSH PLAY
 Just Push "PLAY" To Listen!  NOTE:  If the play button doesn't appear, CLICK HERE for a quick install that will take a few seconds.


CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE MARKETING PIECES as you listen.  Make sure you ALLOW POP-UPS, or you may not be able to view these files.

(NOTE:  if you do NOT have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, click here to install it for FREE)

This program is about 1 hour long, and goes into more depth about specifics of marketing design than I've ever released prior...  You're going to love this!

Todd Lewis

If you have any trouble with this file, send an email to, and let us know the problem you're having. 

Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546

PRIVACY POLICY:  None of your information will EVER be sold, given, or shared with ANYONE for any reason.

Contact Us:  616-956-9433