ALERT!! - Only 42 Slots Still Open!

Tuesday, Feb. 10th at 1:00pm Eastern Time - LIVE

Free PHOTO Seminar Held Over The Internet - Discover All The Secrets LIVE From Your Own Home Or Office!

IMPORTANT NOTE:  The Number Of Photographers We Can Accommodate On This WEBinar Is STRICTLY LIMITED!  And as of now, we only have 42 of those slots left!  That's all the online spots we can afford to reserve for this, and they will fill very quickly - so take that action now!

LISTEN To What TAMMY GRIFFIN - A Photographer in Ocala, Florida Has To Say About My Money-Making Photo Secrets:
(Just click on the PLAY Button below & to the left)

"I Do Exactly What You Say, And I Get The Results You Promised!  This Year, I Raised My NET PROFIT 17% - Getting A $5000 to $8000 Average Sale!"  

Listen To The Rest Of Her Story Above!

-Tammy Griffin - Ocala, FL

"The Photography Industry Has Changed, And It's Leaving HUNDREDS Of Photographer s In The Dust...  Will You Be Left In The Dust, Or Will You THRIVE In This Insane Time?"

 Dear Photographer,

Why am I doing this LIVE internet seminar (or WEBinar, as they are known) - and why am I letting you in for FREE?  Because I've had it.  Frankly - that's it - I've HAD IT!  I'm hearing so many photographers on a daily basis complaining about how bad the photography industry is right now, and I don't blame them for feeling that way. 

However, I KNOW FOR A FACT that, while so many photographers are complaining, there are other photographers who are THRIVING - doing GREAT business - and making TONS of money right now.  Why is that?  What are they doing differently?    I'm going to reveal all the secrets during this WEBINAR.

WANT THE SECRETS TO MAKING PILES OF CASH FROM PHOTOGRAPHY, RIGHT NOW, IN THE WINTER of 2009?  Want To Discover The Hidden Secrets The THRIVING Photographers Are Using That No One Else Seems To Know About?  Then This LIVE Webinar Is Going To Knock Your Computer Mouse Right Out Of Your Hand!

It's February of 2009, and you've noticed the changes in the industry, haven't you?  You've noticed those low-priced "point & shoot" photographers popping up around nearly every corner, like weeds overtaking your garden, haven't you? 

You've probably noticed more and more potential clients complaining about what you charge, and then wanting EVERYTHING under the sun - including all the photos on CD so they can just do whatever they want with them.

Have You Said To Your Spouse Or Yourself Recently - "I've Had Just About Enough Of This - I Can't Take It Anymore!"?

Photography is NOT an easy business.  No way.  And believe me, it's getting even tougher (or at least it SEEMS like it is).  The good news is - it doesn't have to be tough.  In fact, it can actually be almost EASIER now than ever, because these low-priced POINT & CLICKERS don't know what you're going to discover

LISTEN To What David Emberling - A Photographer in Weston, CT Has To Say About My Money-Making Photo Secrets:
(Just click on the PLAY Button below & to the left)

"Before I Started, My Average Portrait Sale Was Around $400.  Since Then, It Has Gone Up To An Average, Last Year, Of $1700!"  
Listen To The Rest Of His Story Above!

-David Emberling
Weston, CT

onFeb. 10th when you attend this FREE WEBINAR.  (BUT you MUST sign up with your name and email address to be sure to get in!)

NOTICE:  The secrets I'll reveal on this INTERNET SEMINAR are designed to be "QUICK -START" secrets, so you can implement them, and reap the rewards from them, right away - NO YEARS OF TRIAL AND ERROR!

My son Todd and I are crafting a WEBINAR that is going to give you real MEAT & POTATOES - secrets you can sink your teeth into IMMEDIATELY, so that you start seeing results and huge profits right away.  When you log off after this event, you'll feel energized, and you'll have an arsenal of proven secrets at your fingertips ready to start making you money - FAST!  This is just another way of us showing you how beneficial it is being one of our members.

Here's just some of what you will SEE & DISCOVER during this LIVE WEBINAR (Since It's ONLINE, We Can SHOW You Visuals!):

SEE My Exhibits - Ever wondered what your exhibits should look like?  I'll take you on a quick tour of my exhibits, and reveal how to make them work LIKE MAGIC right now in 2009, during this crazy economy!

SEE My Studio - I'll invite you into my studio - NOT my camera room - you don't need to see that - that's not the most important part of a studio.  I'm going to show you the areas of my studio that REALLY make me all my money!  See my SALES area - see my "Design Consultation" area - see what the client sees, and why it makes me so much money!

SEE My MOST EFFECTIVE Marketing Pieces - Ever wonder what a successful photography brochure should look like?  You'll see it here!  Also see other examples of UTLRA-SUCCESSFUL and VERY PROFITABLE photo-marketing pieces that will blow your mind!

PLUS - See & Discover These BIG SECRETS:

 ***The TOP 5 cheap, easy, and proven secrets that will eliminate your competition worries forever, and bring a FLOOD of new clients to you on a virtual conveyor belt!

***Photography Internet Myths DEBUNKED once and for all! The mysteries of today's photography websites revealed!  We pull the blindfold off of you and show you what the "internet powerhouses" don't want you to know about the true secrets of the internet, and how photographers can make a fortune from it.

***4 Online magic spells you will use to be like Merlin - Summoning clients with your magic wand like a moth to a flame!

***How to simply and easily discover the hidden wealth buried within your photography business - The Magic "Photography Market-to-Demographic Equation For Instant Profit & Success"

***What are the 2 best ways to make fast money in photography today in 2009 - these 2 secrets will SHOCK you!

*** And much, much more!

DO NOT WAIT - REGISTER TODAY SO YOU DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE!  IT'S FREE, but you MUST register NOW to get in!  Discover The Latest, Greatest Marketing & Sales Secrets for your photography business!

Once you sign up with your name and email address,  we will email you back with the CONFIDENTIAL WEBSITE AND SPECIAL CODE BUTTON YOU NEED TO GET INTO THE WEBINAR,

I will talk with you on Feb. 10th at 1:00pm EASTERN TIME!!!

Charles J. Lewis, M. Photog., Cr.

Our Secrets, Like The One's I'll Be Revealing On The FREE PHOTO WEBINAR Have Made Hundreds Of Photographers FILTHY RICH - Here's What Just A Few Of Them Have To Say:

IvoryMaking $900,000 PER YEAR, All From Photography!

"This stuff is priceless!  It will save you years of trial and error, and quickly add BIG dollars to your bottom line!  Thanks to many of the techniques I have learned from Chuck, I have taken a studio that used to bring in around $120,000 a year to one that now does $900,000 a year!  (That's a difference of $65,000 a month!)  Chuck is the one who taught me this stuff, and I will thank him for the rest of my life for that!  I tell every photographer I know that they must listen and learn from him!"

 - Dina Ivory -  Tallahasee, FL


JAFFEBringing In About $500,000 THIS YEAR ALONE!  Shooting For $1,000,000 Next Year!
"Chuck, I can't tell you enough what a lifesavers your secrets have been!  I've had been a fairly successful photographer for many years - but things in the business REALLY started to change.  Things I'd been doing for years were no longer really working.  Then, I discovered your secrets.  Now, I'm making SUPER money!  I'm so thrilled that people are now willing to pay me what I deserve to be making!  This year, it looks like we're going to bring in about $500,000 - no kidding!  Next year, we're shooting to double that - and I have no doubt that's completely possible.  You have no idea (or obviously you do) what it's like to make a great living doing what I've always loved most.  Your devoted student and friend, Hal."

  -Hal Jaffe - Memphis, TN


KRAMER$16,000 From JUST ONE Sale - One Of His Biggest EVER! - PLUS Profits Have TRIPLED!
"First of all, Chuck, I have to tell you that our entire photography business has been built on your secrets, no exception.  And because of that, our profits have TRIPLED since we started using your stuff!   One of our largest sales ever was a $16,000 sale - I can hardly believe how great everything is working.   Great stuff.  I wanted you to know how much I appreciate what you've done for my business, and for the photographic industry."

  -Steven Kramer - Redbank, NJ


"FREE - - LIVE "Photographers' RECESSION-BUSTING Top-Secret Online SUMMIT - How To Make 2009 Your Best Year EVER In Photography"

TUESDAY, Feb. 10th, 2009 - 1:00pm - 3:00pm Eastern Time ONLY
Don't miss this LIVE event!  It may be the most valuable information you'll EVER see & hear!

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Last Name:



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Last Name:



First Name:

Last Name:



First Name:

Last Name:



First Name:

Last Name:




Photography Marketing & Sales Secrets

How To Bring In Lots Of Clients In A Steady Stream, and Make BIG MONEY Working 35 Hours A Week Or Less - All From Photography
