You're Invited - Join Us For A Photographic Forum Where We Will Be Chatting About The Current State Of The Photo Business, PLUS Talking About Ways To Get PAYING Customers In The Door Now!
(June 15th
7pm - 9pm EST!)

THIS FREE 2-HOUR LIVE INTERNET CONFERENCE Will Pull Back The Curtain On The Secrets RICH Photographers Are Using NOW To Make GREAT MONEY - Even During These "Trying" Economic Times!

DATE: Monday, June 15th, 2009 ONLY

TIME: 7:00pm - 9:00pm EASTERN TIME (be sure you adjust for your timezone!)

Have You Said To Your Spouse Or Yourself Recently - "I've Had Just About Enough Of This - I Can't Take It Anymore!"?

You're not out there all alone. As one of my students, I feel a responsibility to make sure you have the most up-to-the-second secrets, and I'm going to go BEYOND what I'm giving you in the email hot-tips I'm sending you - and SHOW you stuff live over the internet! That's something I can't do in a short hot-tip!

NOTICE: The secrets I'll reveal on this INTERNET SEMINAR are designed to be "QUICK-START" secrets, so you can implement them, and reap the rewards from them, right away - NO YEARS OF TRIAL AND ERROR!

The Webinar Is FREE For YOU - But I Can Only Afford To Let 300 Total People In For This Event (I DO have to pay the "webinar service" charges).

That Means Only 298 Members Will Get To Take Part In This FREE WEBINAR,

Since My Son Todd & I Will Need 2 Of The Slots. Will You Be One Of The Lucky 298?

Short Video Reveals More About This Event:

This WEBINAR is NOT going to be full of boring THEORY and FLUFF & FILLER. No way - none of us have time for that - you don't, and I don't.

My son Todd and I are crafting a WEBINAR that is going to give you real MEAT & POTATOES - secrets you can sink your teeth into IMMEDIATELY, so that you start seeing results and huge profits right away. When you log off after this event, you'll feel energized, and you'll have an arsenal of proven secrets at your fingertips ready to start making you money - FAST!

Here's just some of what you will SEE & DISCOVER during this LIVE ONLINE CONFERENCE (Since It's ONLINE, We Can SHOW You Visuals!):

checkSEE My Exhibits - Ever wondered what your exhibits should look like? I'll take you on a quick tour of my exhibits, and reveal how to make them work LIKE MAGIC right now in 2009 & well beyond, during this crazy economy!

checkSEE My Studio - I'll invite you into my studio - I'm going to show you the areas of my studio that REALLY make me all my money! See my SALES area - see my "Design Consultation" area - see what the client sees, and why it makes me so much money!

checkSEE My MOST EFFECTIVE Marketing Pieces - Ever wonder what a successful photography brochure should look like? You'll see it here! Also see other examples of ULTRA-SUCCESSFUL and VERY PROFITABLE photo-marketing pieces that will blow your mind!

PLUS - See & Discover These BIG SECRETS:

check***The TOP 5 cheap, easy, and proven secrets that will eliminate your competition worries forever, and bring a FLOOD of new clients to you on a virtual conveyor belt!

check***Photography Internet Myths DEBUNKED once and for all! The mysteries of today's photography websites revealed! We pull the blindfold off of you and show you what the "internet powerhouses" don't want you to know about the true secrets of the internet, and how photographers can make a fortune from it.

check***4 Online magic spells you will use to be like Merlin - Summoning clients with your magic wand like a moth to a flame!

check***How to simply and easily discover the hidden wealth buried within your photography business - The Magic "Photography Market-to-Demographic Equation For Instant Profit & Success"

check***What are the 2 best ways to make fast money in photography in 2009 - these 2 secrets will SHOCK you!

check*** And much, much more!


Discover The Latest, Greatest Marketing & Sales Secrets for your photography business!

Once you sign up with your name and email address, we will email you back with the CONFIDENTIAL WEBSITE AND SPECIAL CODE and simple instructions YOU NEED TO GET INTO THE WEBINAR. This LIVE event will be worth THOUSANDS of dollars at the very least - all free.

I will talk with you on Monday, June 15th at 7:00pm EASTERN TIME (remember to adjust for your time-zone if needed)!!!


Charles J. Lewis, M. Photog., Cr.

P.S. - If you're not making the type of money you want to make with your photography, and you are opting NOT to attend this completely free online event (all about MAKING MONEY NOW), then I have to ask:

"What are you waiting for?"

I can't make this any easier for you... Sign up now. Don't put this off, not even for a minute...



Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546

PRIVACY POLICY:  None of your information will EVER be sold, given, or shared with ANYONE for any reason.

Contact Us:  616-956-9433