
ALL NEW PHOTO ONLINE EVENT with Charles J. Lewis - M. Photog., Cr. and Todd M. Lewis - Photo Marketing & Business Expert


(you'll be put in waiting room if event has not begun yet, and you can continue working - you'll hear us talk when starting!)

What Photographers Have To Say About Our LIVE WEBINAR EVENTS - Only For Photographers:


More Photographers' Comments Below - Scroll Down


calendar-iconDATE:  TODAY, October 3rd, 2012 ONLY

clockTIME:  1:00pm - 2:30pm Eastern Time
 (be sure to check your timezone if you're not on Eastern Time!)

OUTLINE OF EVENT - The Secrets We Will Reveal During This LIVE Webinar:

          check-redHow to quickly & easily double the number of people hiring you to do their photography - FAST!

          check-red4 little known key principles you MUST use in today's situation to make your sales & profits SOAR in these times.

          check-red3 easy, FREE ways to increase the size of EVERY order.

          check-red6 powerful ways to skyrocket the response to your online & offline marketing efforts!

          check-red2 proven methods to quickly increase your cash flow now.

          check-red5 amazingly powerful discoveries to effectively responding to an email question about your prices.

          check-red4 little known, underground keys to success in photography in these challenging times.

          check-redThe 4 "Power Questions" that will turn someone who is shopping for price into someone who can't wait to work with you - regardless of your prices.

          check-redA 3-point formula that is proven to guarantee your success in photography.

          check-red4 Key Points that will change forever the way you run your photo biz!

          ...AND MUCH MORE!

This will be a jam-packed 90-minute LIVE online webinar event, so be sure to have good note-taking material, and don't let anything interrupt your attending.   As you can see, a lot of stuff to cover, and you will leave this event with a clear and specific 6-step plan in place to make-over your photo business into one that is ultra-profitable, and recession-proof!

We'll talk with you during this event - but sign up now before it fills up!   (Yes, we can only take a limited number of people on this event, due to the LIVE visuals we will be showing.   If we have too many on the event, the visuals don't work too well, so we have to cut off attendance at right around 300 photographers total.   And I'm telling over 6000 photographers about this event, so make sure you sign up now...

Talk more soon!

Charles J. Lewis
M. Photog., Cr.

What More Photographers Have To Say About Our LIVE WEBINAR EVENTS - Only For Photographers:


(you'll be put in waiting room if event has not begun yet, and you can continue working - you'll hear us talk when starting!)

Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546

PRIVACY POLICY:  None of your information will EVER be sold, given, or shared with ANYONE for any reason.

Contact Us:  616-956-0053