Or until the 5 packages are gone - which ever comes FIRST - sorry, no exceptions! - OFFER EXPIRED! - To Get Your RMV Package At REGULAR PRICE, Click Here.


You get the same 30-DAY free trial & special deal with all the bonus gifts that was offered during the WEBINAR event today. (U.S. residents only click above)

The Fastest PROVEN System For Making INSTANT Profits In Photography Ever!

STEAL MY STUFF!!!  Over 1100 Pages Of Photography Marketing Pieces, YOURS TO COPY & USE - 27 Audio CDs To Walk You Through Everything - PLUS A CD-ROM With A Complete PHOTOGRAPHIC WEBSITE DONE FOR YOU And Many Marketing Pieces You Can Just Import Into Your Computer And Start Making Money -- FAST!






Dear Photographer,

I'm so glad you were able to join us for this event today - it was a great one!    I hope you're ready to take action on the secrets we revealed, and start making the money you deserve!

I was also asked by a number of attendees if we had any of those RAID MY VAULT packages left, so I checked our order department, and...

I Have Good News & Bad News.

The BAD news is - we did sell out of the 19 packages we had available.

The GOOD news is - I immediately got on the phone with my wife Cheri, and she got on with our duplicators , and got them to agree to get 5 more packages to us by tomorrow!   That's a HUGE deal, since you can see from the photo above that there are a TON of things in this package!

So, for the first 5 people to click on the FREE TRIAL BUTTONS on this page, we'll let you have one of these packages for the same great 30-day free trial special deal we offered during the event today.

But you must do it now.   This WILL expire, no exceptions, when those packages are gone, or when the countdown on the top of this page reaches ZERO.  

Here's What It's All About, In A Nutshell:

   With your own COPY of my entire vault of stuff, you will be guided step-by-step through each and every piece.  With the audio CDs you'll receive (which I'll tell you more about in a minute), I will walk you through every part of it!  It's as if I'm right there with you, showing you what to use, when to use it, and HOW to use it to get instant AND AMAZING RESULTS!  Do you have ANY idea what this is worth?  Think about it.  My whole life's work, handed to you on a silver platter.

You get the same 30-DAY free trial & special deal with all the bonus gifts that was offered during the WEBINAR event today. (U.S. residents only click above)

rmvcdromPLUS - "How To Create A WEBSITE That Will Have People Lining Up At Your Door To Be Photographed!"  Everything You Need,  Even If You Don't Know ANYTHING About Web Design!

    Things have changed in the photographic industry, and they will NEVER go back.  We can't ignore the importance of the internet as a source of CHEAP advertising.  DO NOT PUT UP A WEBSITE TILL YOU SEE THIS!  But... if you already have a website, you will discover the secrets to making that website work LIKE GANGBUSTERS for you!

The CUTTING-EDGE Marketing Techniques - SPECIFIC FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS, And I Will Be Walking You Through Every Detail Of It All!

    No boring theory.  No B.S. - this is what I've been building up to all my life.  No other photographer has the guts to do this, because they don't want you to catch up on decades of their hard work in such a short time.  Plus, there are LITERALLY only a few other photographers in the WORLD who know the secrets I'm going to GIVE you. 

    No kidding.  The amazing secrets I will be giving to you are being used by some of the most innovative companies in the world, but most photographers have not caught on - yet!  DON'T BE LEFT OUT!

Through A Detailed & Indexed AUDIO CD Program, I will walk you through EXACTLY how to use everything in this Raid My Vault Package! 

It's So Simple - Simply Look At The Index For The Type Of Photography You Want To Market At The Moment, And It Will Tell You What CD To Listen To, and Where To Look In The Binders For The Piece To Copy!

    rmvmarketYes, I'm including AUDIO CDs that will take all the guesswork out of what marketing to do when!  Let's say you're wanting a simple and inexpensive marketing piece to send out to bring in some GRADUATING SENIOR business.   Simply go to the detailed index and it will point you to the right CDs to listen to now, and give you the best pieces to start with in the binders.

IN FACT:  There's one piece in here for SENIORS that has brought in 20 TIMES PROFIT when used!  (Read Fred Mohr's Comments About That Piece To The RIGHT)   And it's truly and INEXPENSIVE piece to create!   Let's say you put $1000 into the entire mailing - it could bring you $20,000 in PROFIT!  And all you do is COPY IT AND SEND IT OUT!   Almost no work on your part at all!

The same thing applies for FAMILIES, CHILDREN and WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY!  Never create a single marketing piece from scratch again, and KNOW that you're copying the stuff that works!

This package has the ability to pay for itself after the first simple mailing you send out!   Then, you'll have access to all these secrets FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE - whenever you need some instant cash for your business, pick one of the pieces, send it out, and watch the money come in.

BONUS:  How To Book Clients Over The Phone & Get GREAT AVERAGE SALES!

rmvpricingHave you ever wished there was a simple PROVEN system for turning phone calls into booked sessions?   Well, there is - and I'm giving it to you on a silver platter!

Whether you've always wondered how to turn the question "how much do you charge for an 8x10" into a BOOKED session, or wondered how to increase your average portrait sale by up to 400% in less than 7 days, or wanted the secrets to booking TONS of weddings at bridal shows, this CD SET is going to reveal ALL, and I'm INCLUDING IT as part of the "Raid My Vault" package!

PLUS - Pricing & Packaging FORMULAS Revealed Once And For ALL!  PLUS - Studio Layout & Design TIPS!

Never wonder again how to price your photography - I will reveal all the secrets to pricing and packaging your work for the best possible sales in this crazy time in the photographic industry! 

I also get asked all the time about how to best design and layout a studio, whether it's a store-front studio, a home studio, or a studio in an office building.   These AUDIO CDs will give you everything you'll ever need to create the PERFECT studio environment to draw in the HIGH-END clients wanting to spend good money.


rmvprpackAre you having trouble booking clients?   Have you wished for a simple way to get them to MAKE THE DECISION RIGHT NOW, and give you a 50% deposit immediately?  

I Used To Dream Of That Very Same Simple Solution, And Now It's HERE!   I Created It, Tested It, and Perfected It In My Own Photography Business - And Now It's YOURS!

It doesn't get any easier than this - simply give this PR PACKET to each of your clients when you meet with them, and watch it book the session almost like magic.  In it are 9 of the most powerful pieces of paper in the photographic industry, all designed to gently convince your potential clients to book with you now, and give you a 50% deposit up front.

NOTE:  Included with the PR PACKET is a detailed SPECIAL REPORT that walks you through EXACTLY how to use this system, and how to easily and quickly adapt it to your studio.   You'll be pu and running with it within an hour or so!

Yes - I'm going to include this PR PACKET for free as part of your "RAID MY VAULT" Package.

rmvhelpNEW DEVELOPMENT!!! - Act Now, And Get 12 MONTHS Of FREE One-On-One Support Via Phone, Fax, & Email!

    Okay - by now you're probably thinking "this sounds fantastic, but if I was studying with you in person, I could ask questions if I didn't understand something."  Well, don't panic.  I'm not going to leave you out there all alone. 

    In fact, I'm going to give you a special HOTLINE PHONE NUMBER, a special Fax Number, and a special access email address, so you can contact me and my staff at any time during regular business hours over the next 12 months if you have ANY question at all!  Of course, I've taken all the work off of you by giving you my actual marketing pieces, but you might still have a question now and then.  Feel free to contact us, and we'll walk you right through it all!

You get the same 30-DAY free trial & special deal with all the bonus gifts that was offered during the WEBINAR event today. (U.S. residents only click above)

Here's What You'll Discover At Your Doorstep:

   Hands on NO-HOLDS-BARRED SECRETS REVEALED like you've never seen before!  Amazing "Raid My Vault Package" Binders contains all the forms, sequenced letters, everything you need to make your life a "breeze!"

What's listed below is a rundown of JUST SOME OF the stuff you'll get in your "Raid My Vault" Package -  Over 1100 PAGES OF STUFF - All Done For You (and more - read on)...rmvbinders

  1. checkOne Step Mailings
  2. checkDisplay Ads
  3. checkMagazine & Newspaper Ads
  4. checkRadio Ads
  5. checkYellow Pages Ads
  6. checkJoint Venture Marketing
  7. checkPast Customer Marketing
  8. checkBridal Shows, Home Shows, Fairs
  9. checkNewspaper Trade Outs
  10. checkPublic Relations Marketing
  11. checkWeddings As A Powerful Marketing Tool
  12. checkGeneral Exhibits
  13. checkSpecialty Exhibits
  14. checkMy Favorite Old "Classic" DRM Ads
  15. checkAn ULTRA-Effective, Photographic Website
  16. checkNew One Step, Lead Generation, And Multiple- Step Sales Letters All Written For You!
  17. checkThe "Lead Generation Model"
  18. checkFamily Portrait One Step & Multiple Step Marketing Pieces
  19. checkChildren's Portraits One Step & Multiple Step Marketing Pieces
  20. checkWedding Photography One Step & Multiple Step Marketing Pieces
  21. checkSenior Portraits Sales Letter / Brochure To The Parents
  22. checkSenior Portraits Sales Letter / Brochure To The Seniors
  23. checkSample Lead Generation Space Ads
  24. checkOther Photog's Wedding Marketing Pieces 
  25. checkOther Photog's Wedding Handouts
  26. checkOther Photog's Portrait Marketing Pieces
  27. checkOther Photog's Senior Portrait Marketing Pieces
  28. checkPricing & Merchandising Samples
  29. checkPricing & Merchandising Key Points & Tips
  30. checkThe 13 Amazing Secrets To Successful Pricing & Merchandising Of
  31.   Portraits & Wedding Photography
  32. checkOther Photog's Wedding Price Lists
  33. checkOther Photog's Portrait Price Lists
  34. checkOther Photog's Senior Portrait Price Lists
  35. checkSales Major Principles And Tips
  36. checkTelephone Sales Secrets And Advanced Telecharts - Amazing scripts that walk you through exactly     what to say all the time!
  37. checkStudio Design As A Sales Tool
  38. checkThe "Design Consultation"
  39. checkWedding Booking Secrets & Techniques
  40. checkPR Follow-up And "Stick" System
  41. checkWeddings - Other Tips And Techniques
  42. checkPersonal Management For Your Success
  43. checkOther Key Points And Secrets To The
  44. check"Organized Plan For Your Success In Photography"

(remember, you get the CD-ROM with 700 files on it as well!)

You get the same 30-DAY free trial & special deal with all the bonus gifts that was offered during the WEBINAR event today. (U.S. residents only click above)

And It's All GUARANTEED By The Best TRIPLE GUARANTEE In The Industry!

    It's not enough to just say I'm giving you a 100% money-back guarantee.  That's not good enough - not by a long shot.  I'm going to go ONE STEP FURTHER with this "Raid My Vault" System because I believe so strongly that it will improve your BOTTOM-LINE PROFITS in ways you never dreamed!  All the risk is taken off of you.  If you don't see amazing, monetary, TANGIBLE results, you don't pay.

    Here's my amazing TRIPLE GUARANTEE:

    (By the way, I double-dog-dare anybody to match my guarantee.  Nobody can.  Nobody will.  Heck, do you know that there's a famous $15,000.00 per person marketing seminar that does not come with this strong of a guarantee?  Imagine spending $15,000.00 to get into a class without having an ironclad, no -wiggle "you will be thrilled" guarantee.  Well, you take no risk here.  I'm out on the limb big time and MUST produce.)

You get the same 30-DAY free trial & special deal with all the bonus gifts that was offered during the WEBINAR event today. (U.S. residents only click above)

How Much Money Are We Talking Here?  What's All This Stuff REALLY Worth?

Just think about this:  How much would all this stuff - 1100 pages of stuff - ALL DONE FOR YOU - how much would all that cost to have professionally created from scratch? 

    There are 37 different marketing approaches specifically designed for photographers in the binders.  I calculated it out - all the items included in this package have a value of $110,665!

So, here's how it works out:


Total cost for EVERYTHING
created separately------------------------------- $110,665

Price for "Raid My Vault"----------------------- $2685

YOUR SAVING-------------------------------$107,980 SAVINGS!

WEBINAR OFFER (after 30-day free trial)------------ONLY $1147


PLUS - I'll even break it into 5 EASY PAYMENTS At No Extra Charge!

PLUS a 12 month UNCONDITIONAL Money-Back Guarantee!


    Also, you're going to LOVE that CD-ROM that contains over 700 files you will be able to immediately copy into your own computer and use!  Imagine popping this CD into your computer, and downloading an entire finished PROFESSIONAL website onto your computer to use for yourself!  Or copy the 2182 word sales letter (one of MANY) right into your computer instead of having to re-type it in by hand.  This will save you TONS of time!  You'll get this CD-ROM delivered right to your door with everything else!

   The bottom line is very simple here:  do you SERIOUSLY want to become a modern day miracle worker, able to turn digital (or film) into floods of cash, over and over again, pretty much at will?...able to do it quickly, efficiently? ...finding money in your cash register every day of your life?  If so, you'll do just about anything NOT to miss this incredible opportunity.

Photographer & "Raid My Vault" Owner SPEAKS OUT:

"Chuck - We Copied The Website For Seniors And It Really Works Like Magic!  Our Sales Have Gone Up To $250,000 In One Year!"

"The Raid My Vault information is incredible!  Thanks to you, our business has grown to $250,000 in ONE YEAR!  We copied the website for seniors and it realy works like magic! 

Our average senior sale went from $500 to $700 just by using a couple of your ideas!  The whole thing has done exactly what you said it would do.  Thanks so much!"

-William Timmer - Holland, MI
Raid My Vault Owner

Photographer & "Raid My Vault" Owner SPEAKS OUT:

"The RAID MY VAULT  Was The Most Valuable Experience Of My Life..."

"Chuck & Todd - the Raid My Vault was the most valuable experience of my life, and I am 44 and have a Master of Art Degree.  I am so thrilled with all the materials!  The binders are packed full of all your marketing materials for me to go home and copy and use right away - it couldn't be easier!  I don't even have to type the words into my computer, they're already on the CD-ROM too! 

By the way, I booked 2 weddings almost immediately without personally meeting with the clients!  Plus, I have lots of prospects visiting me after seeing that site. 

This is fantastic!  I highly recommend it to every photographer who is serious about increasing the money they make - FAST!

-Gregory Gittsovich - Plymouth, MN
Raid My Vault Owner

Photographer & "Raid My Vault" Owner SPEAKS OUT:

"Just One Simple Sales Letter That I Sent Out Made Me 20 TIMES PROFIT!"

"Okay, I knew you were an incredible marketing person, but WOW!  The ideas you've given me have made me TONS of money!  In fact, just one simple sales letter that I sent out to graduating seniors has made me 20 TIMES profit!  Can you believe that?!  Well, I suppose YOU can!  If just one photographer realizes that this business doesn't have to be as hard as most of us have come to think, then I feel we've made a difference.  You certainly have made a huge difference in my life, Chuck.  Thank you again."

-Fred Mohr - Galeton, PA
Raid My Vault Owner

Photographer & "Raid My Vault" Owner SPEAKS OUT:

"The Lift Cards Are Fantastic!  People Are Calling Me Like Crazy!"

"Chuck, I have to tell you this!  I got this thing in the mail about your "Raid My Vault" Package.  I didn't believe you at first.  I was very skeptical.  I read these testimonials, and I"m sorry, but I didn't even believe them either.  They couldn't be true.  But now, I'M ONE OF THEM!  I know it's true!  This really is fantastic.  This works!

For example - I have received about DOUBLE the calls to the studio so far, because of this great stuff - especially the recorded hotline!  Also, my website I got off of the CD is doing GREAT!  I'm getting lots of brides calling and wanting to book right away!  I have people who say, just based on the website, they want to book with me, and they book a $4500 wedding - giving me the credit card over the phone!  I know it's hard to believe, but it's true!  August was the best August I've ever had!  Unbelievable!  And the lift cards - fantastic.  I'm even doing a wedding in Iceland!  And I've been to Jamaica for a wedding too.  I can't thank you enough!"

-Gregg Thompson - Sauk Rapids, MN
Raid My Vault Owner








Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546

PRIVACY POLICY:  None of your information will EVER be sold, given, or shared with ANYONE for any reason.

Contact Us:  616-956-0053