
Join My Photographers Inner-Circle Membership And Get All These Photography Marketing & Sales Secrets - YOURS For FREE!

From Charles J. Lewis, M. Photog., Cr - The "Renegade Portrait & Wedding Photographer"

These FREE Gifts Include:

 1.  Detailed Special Report:  "The 13 Amazing Secrets To Pricing Your Portrait And Wedding Photography For Maximum Profits and Minimum Work!"

2.  Actual Copies Of My ULTRA-PERSUASIVE Wedding & Portrait Price Lists

3.  Top Secret Underground Audio CD:  "Never Worry About HOW TO SELL Your Photography EVER AGAIN!"

4.  The Magic Formula To Making HUGE MONEY, Doing FEWER Weddings Each Year - AUDIO CD!

5.  Two Audio CD Set:  "Amazing Marketing and Advertising Secrets Revealed"



$732.94 Worth Of Photography Money-Making Secrets - Yours Absolutely FREE (you pay only $11 shipping)... Along With A Risk-Free TRIAL Membership In My "INNER-CIRCLE" Group!

Dear Fellow Photographer and Friend,

You're probably wondering why I'm literally handing you $732.94 worth of my best insider tips, renegade strategies and techniques for THE EASY WAY of making big money in photography - for FREE (Just $11 Shipping & Handling - $16 outside U.S.)

 I'll level with you.  The reason is I'm trying to get you "hooked!"  That's right.  I'm openly confident that you'll get "addicted" to my unique strategies for gaining extreme profits from your photography.  You see, if I really can put  thousands of dollars in your pocket each month with my unusual techniques and money-making secrets, you'd be silly not to continue, wouldn't you?  Of course!

              Here's EVERYTHING You'll Get FOR FREE - You Pay ONLY $11 for shipping ($16 outside U.S.)  I'll tell you more specifics about each free gift further down this page:

              check"Amazing Marketing & Advertising Secrets REVEALED" - 2 CD Set

              $199.00 Value

              checkThe "Ultimate Photography Pricing Tool Kit"

              $129.97 Value

              checkThe Current Month's Issue - "The Photographer's Money-Making INNER-CIRCLE Group" Insider Audio CD & Newsletter

              $39.97 Value

              check"Top Secret Underground CD - Photography SELLING Secrets"

               $99.00 Value

              check"How To Make BIG Money From Wedding Photography" - 2 CD SET

              $199.00 Value

              check"Fantastic INSIDER Tips (audio / video / text)" - delivered right to your inbox!

              $66.00 Value

              Total Value: $732.94

I'm Going To Make You A Promise Before I Even Tell You The Specifics About These FREE GIFTS:

If you've been feeling frustrated lately - if you've been getting SICK & TIRED of the phone not ringing enough (or when it DOES ring, all they want are your photo prices) - then the next few minutes of reading are going to turn your world upside-down. If you're ready for a kind of creative experience that'll get your photographic and business juices flowing like never before, then you're going to be THRILLED you've arrived here....  and you'll certainly LOVE my FREE GIFTS.CJ.Frustrated

 Are you frustrated with being a 'recession victim'... lying awake at night wondering where the photo customers are going to come from?

Are you FRUSTRATED at wasting money or time and effort on image advertising that doesn't work, OR not knowing what marketing to do when, and who to send it to?

Would you prefer straight, blunt, PROVEN advice solidly based on 38 years 'expensive experience' on the PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS battlefield... supported by current, real life examples of what's working?

Do you feel like you are working too hard for your living.... not getting ahead fast enough?

If you would find it helpful to find one place, all-under-one-roof, to be a source of legitimate, tested, proven yet original, innovative, even outrageous strategies for turning photography businesses into extraordinary money -makers....for getting the most out of every offline and online means of attracting rich customers.....for making yourself practically recession-proof....for dramatically increasing your income, decreasing your stress, and making your business run on YOUR terms rather than those of your customers...

If you would dream of discovering and connecting with a teacher, trainer, coach and advisor who wasn't invented yesterday on the internet...who has actually been in the trenches of the photography business for 38 years... who has made millions using PROVEN marketing and sales secrets that don't cost a fortune to create... who has helped over 3400 other photographers be ultra-successful in their photography businesses...

If you would love SPEEDY PROFITS - huge, simple, FAST results, a real "flood of income"....

 ....then you and I have a LOT to talk about!

And I'm going to give you a TOTALLY FREE OPPORTUNITY to "test drive" me and everything I'm about, and the amazing secrets I've now delivered to well over 3400 photographers who are singing my praises.

LISTEN To What NIGEL MERRICK - A Photographer in Oakland, TN Has To Say About My Money-Making Photo Secrets:
(Just click on the PLAY Button below)

"If it hadn't have been for discovering Chuck's program, I would NOT be in business now.  There's no question of it.  My business would have completely failed."  

Listen To The Rest Of His Story Above!

-Nigel Merrick - Oakland, TN

In addition to being a photographer for 38 years, I've devoted the last 25 years my life to helping ambitious photographers use smart direct marketing and sales secrets to transform their businesses in ways that provide far, far greater profits...create wealth....create personal freedom and security...and lead to expansive opportunity.

Maybe as important, I have been able to help educate and motivate some of the real MOVERS-AND-SHAKERS in the photographic industry today, including Bruce Hudson, John Hartman, Jeff Lubin, and Dina Ivory, just to mention a few.

I'm telling you all this so you know what I'm all about.   It's a waste of your time to study the secrets of people who don't have a proven system (and track record) for getting great results.  I have spent my entire life creating a system that works - that works FAST - that works ALL OVER THE WORLD.   And I'm going to let you try it out for FREE with these gifts and my "Photographer's Money-Making Inner-Circle Group" trial membership!

 In short, I've earned the respect of the photographic world.  I work daily, personally, in the trenches, with hundreds of photographers to help them be super-profitable, and to have their businesses work on their terms. My experience is real world....diverse, covering every type of photographic marketing... trusted by thousands of successful photographers....and continuing, current, cutting-edge.

But that's enough about me - let's talk about what I'm giving to YOU right now:

 You should know that what I reveal about making the BIG money in photography goes completely against advice you'll hear from other sources and "conventional wisdom" in the photo industry.  You're going to discover a genuinely radical, renegade way of operating your photo business that will open your eyes and leave you wondering why this information was hidden from you until now.  Intrigued?  Well, let me tell you about the HUGE box of goodies I've put together for you... ALL FOR FREE!... (you pay just for shipping right now.)


Here's What DINA IVORY - An Extremely Successful Photographer in Tallahasee, Florida Has To Say About The Secrets Revealed On This Webpage:

Making $900,000 PER YEAR, All From Photography!

"This stuff is priceless!  It will save you years of trial and error, and quickly add BIG dollars to your bottom line!  Thanks to many of the techniques I have learned from Chuck, I have taken a studio that used to bring in around $120,000 a year to one that now does $900,000 a year!  (That's a difference of $65,000 a month!)  Chuck is the one who taught me this stuff, and I will thank him for the rest of my life for that!  I tell every photographer I know that they must listen and learn from him!  The Monthly CD's are  WONDERFUL, because every month I get a very concentrated audio issue on one specific subject which will immediately help improve my profits even more!  I look forward to every issue!"

 - Dina Ivory -  Tallahasee, FL


**** GIANT FREE GIFT #1 ****
(While They Last - Limited Number Available!)
$199 Value!marketingcds

Two Audio CD Set:  "Amazing Marketing and Advertising Secrets Revealed"

    We're artists, not marketing course graduates!  How are we supposed to know how, where, and how much to pay for our marketing?  (actually, it's a good thing you're NOT a marketing course graduate - they don't teach this stuff in business school either!)

      This is a biggie!  You can't have been in business for longer than a few weeks without realizing that a funny thing happens if you don't advertise..... NOTHING!

LISTEN To What STEVE FILARSKY - A Wonderful Artist in Franklinton, NC Has To Say About My Money-Making Photo Secrets:
(Just click on the PLAY Button below)

"I Would Say These Secrets Have Been Worth, To Us, About
$75,000 Over The Years!"  

Listen To The Rest Of His Story Above!

-Steven Filarsky - Franklinton, NC

   A fact:  You will not have enough customers to make any sort of profit if you do not advertise correctly.  And the operative word is CORRECTLY.   If you are savvy enough to be advertising, you know that it's (usually) expensive as heck! Admit it - you'd much rather spend that advertising money on a new camera or some new lights, or a cool digital workstation, wouldn't you?

    If you simply put a small ad in the Yellow Pages for one year, it can cost you as much as a new camera!  

And don't even get me started on brochures!  They will suck you dry, leaving you with a bad taste in your mouth about "spending money to make money"!

    Direct marketing (marketing through the mail) is one of the most dangerous and risky forms of advertising out there.  Why?  Because most photographers are starting from SQUARE ONE - they're trying to make a "creative and attractive" brochure FROM SCRATCH, with some nice photos and some pretty fonts and a design that would win awards at graphic design conventions.  DON'T FEEL BAD if you think that's what a brochure should be like.  That's what we've been taught - but it's COMPLETELY WRONG!

    Did you know that, more than 85% of all color brochures sent out by photographers NEVER EVEN MAKE BACK THE MONEY IT COST TO PRINT THEM?  That's a staggering statistic.  So, all that time and money is down the drain.

    VERY expensive and time consuming.  I know.  I've done it.  I've done it for years.  And it's taken me that long to perfect the current Portrait Photography Brochure that I am using.  It works every time I mail it, so it's gone unchanged for over 5 years.  I'll reveal my secrets for this brochure on this CD, PLUS an even BETTER way to get great customers flocking to your door... 

Getting qualified, excited people to call you is easy - if you know the best kept marketing secret!

    There is a way to advertise your photography, FOR FREE, that will bring in more qualified customers than any other type of advertising or marketing.   Plus, you will know almost immediately how well it's working!  None of this "send out a brochure and pray the phone rings" garbage!

    This one advertising technique has been the backbone to my entire studio for the last 38 years.   And it still pulls in more qualified and excited customers than ALL MY OTHER ADVERTISING TECHNIQUES COMBINED. 

JUST IMAGINE.... What if you could have a method of advertising that would virtually "SUCK THE CUSTOMERS INTO YOUR STUDIO" on a daily basis, AND NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR IT?

And it's so easy, if you know the secrets.  DO NOT SPEND ANOTHER CENT on expensive marketing 'till you listen to these two audio CD's!
CLICK HERE IF You're Outside The U.S.
By clicking above, you understand that after the current month you will be charged $39 per month ($44 outside the US) as a "Photographers Inner-Circle" member until you cancel.   You may cancel at any time.

**** GIANT FREE GIFT #2 ****
(While They Last - Limited Number Available!)
$129.97 Value
The Ultimate Photography Pricing Tool Kitpricegift

This powerful money-making tool kit contains:

 1.  Detailed Special Report:  "The 13 Amazing Secrets To Pricing Your Portrait And Wedding Photography For Maximum Profits and Minimum Work!"  This Report is the culmination of over 35 years of painful study and trial and error testing in my own studio.  The secrets revealed will shock and amaze you - but more importantly, they will MAKE YOU A TON OF EXTRA MONEY you would never have had if you hadn't discovered the secrets revealed in this Special Report.

 2.  My Portrait Price Lists which reveal to you how I use proven money-making secrets in my studio!  There are a number of amazing secrets that I use on this Price List, which you will discover the minute you look at it.  And once you start using them yourself, you will be amazed at how much extra money you'll be bringing in for NO EXTRA WORK AT ALL!

Hear's What Elena & John Kannenberg in Wahpeton, ND Have To Say About My Money-Making Photo Secrets:
(Just click on the PLAY Button below)

"We have been booking client, after client, after client!"  

Listen To The Rest Of Their Story Above!

-Elena & John Kannenberg - Wahpeton, ND

 3.  My Wedding Photography Price Lists - showing you the hundreds of powerful techniques I have discovered over the years to maximize profits with weddings - and make them EASIER to book, too!

 4.  My High School Senior Photography Price Lists - with some of the most amazing,  renegade money making merchandising anywhere in the photo industry!  Phenomenal secrets revealed to you!

 The boatload of pricing and merchandising secrets you discover from this Pricing Tool Kit will be worth thousands of dollars to you - so referring to this as a $129.97 value is ridiculous - but we need to put a value on it - so let's just say it's that - but you and I know it will be much, much higher than that.
CLICK HERE IF You're Outside The U.S.
By clicking above, you understand that after the current month you will be charged $39 per month ($44 outside the US) as a "Photographers Inner-Circle" member until you cancel.   You may cancel at any time.

**** GIANT FREE GIFT #3 **** issues.IC37
(While They Last - Limited Number Available!)
$39.97 Value!

The Most Recent Issue of "The Photographer's Money-Making INNER-CIRCLE Group" Newsletter and Audio CD's

 I'll be honest, this goes against my own 'rule' not to give out samples of my products, but I've decided to make a single exception, as a marketing test.  My bean counting accountant thinks I'm crazy to do this, but I don't care...

 With that said, let me describe what I'm going to hand you:

Here's What Hal Jaffe of  Memphis, TN Has To Say About The Secrets Revealed On This Webpage:

Bringing In About $500,000 THIS YEAR ALONE!  Shooting For
$1,000,000 Next Year!

"Chuck, I can't tell you enough what a lifesavers your monthly secrets have been!  I've had been a fairly successful photographer for many years - but things in the business REALLY started to change.  Things I'd been doing for years were no longer really working.  Then, I discovered your Money-Making Group.  Now, I'm making SUPER money!  I'm so thrilled that people are now willing to pay me what I deserve to be making!  This year, it looks like we're going to bring in about $500,000 - no kidding!  Next year, we're shooting to double that - and I have no doubt that's completely possible.  You have no idea (or obviously you do) what it's like to make a great living doing what I've always loved most.  Your devoted student and friend, Hal."

  -Hal Jaffe - Memphis, TN

 1.  First, you will receive my MOST RECENT ISSUE OF THE EXCLUSIVE "Photographer's Money-Making INNER-CIRCLE Group" Top Secret AUDIO CD System.  Every monthly issue is crammed with the latest, greatest, most up to the minute money-making secrets, techniques and tips that you can IMMEDIATELY put to work in your studio.  Use this MOST RECENT CD (as well as future issues) as a fast track way to quickly and easily get the most powerful money-making secrets that non-members will never know about!

 2.  Also, you'll receive the most recent issue of "Photographer's Money-Making INNER-CIRCLE Group" Newsletter.  Each monthly issue is loaded to the hilt with solid gold tips and techniques you won't find anywhere else.  It's the nearest thing to having me sit next to you in your studio and guide you with all your activities, and it will drop on your doorstep via first class mail every month.   And you get the most recent issue immediately!

 3.  Talk with me Personally with SPECIAL FREE CALL-IN DAYS .  At least three or four times a year, I schedule Open Call-In Days ONLY for my members, giving you the opportunity to have "one-on-one" access to me personally.  (I normally charge $800 an hour for telephone consulting.)

 4.  Powerful E-mail Q&A privileges - as an active member, you have the ability to fire off a short E-mail question to myself and my staff, and we will give you the answer back - saving you years and years of trial and error and painful mistakes.

 The regular price for membership is $39.97 a month, so you can see that this Gift is a $39.97 value.
CLICK HERE IF You're Outside The U.S.
By clicking above, you understand that after the current month you will be charged $39 per month ($44 outside the US) as a "Photographers Inner-Circle" member until you cancel.   You may cancel at any time.

 **** GIANT FREE GIFT #4 ****
(While They Last - Limited Number Available!)

$99 Value!sellingcd

Top Secret Underground Audio CD:  "Never Worry About HOW TO SELL Your Photography EVER AGAIN!" 

    Have you ever wished that there was an easy way to "sell" your photography - a way that didn't involve becoming like a "used-car salesman" - a way that didn't involve you being the cheapest photographer in town - a way that didn't scare you to death every time it came time to ask for the money?

Does this sound familiar to you?

    You take some nice photographs of a child.  The mother seems very pleased with them, and now it's time to write up the order.  You're hoping it's going to be a good sale.   You ask her "what sizes would you like?"   She replies, "I think I'll take an 8x10 and a couple smaller ones."   Your heart almost breaks.  An 8x10 and a couple 5x7s is only going to make you a tiny bit of money.  Certainly not enough to live on, after your costs.

Here's What Jenny Wallace-Crounce of  Kingwood, TX Has To Say About The Secrets Revealed On This Webpage:

Average Sale Up by 400% - One Quarter Year Profits - $30,000!  Booking 90% of All Wedding Inquiries!

"Your secrets have been priceless to me!  I'm very new to photography, and after using your techniques for only 1 year, I've become one of the most successful photographers in my area.  Everytime I do what you teach I have amazing success.  Every time!  My average sale has JUMPED 400%!  ALL PROFIT!  For no more work than I was doing before.  In just the last quarter of last year, I made $30,000 profit!

My former most expensive wedding package is now the least expensive I sell.  I am closing 90% of my bridal consultations!  And the thing I love is that it's so easy, and it's not pressuring or "tricking" my clients.  It's all 100% honest. 

I just wanted to thank you personally."

  -Jenny Wallace-Crouse - Kingwood, TX

You'd Probably Throw Your Hands In The Air And Scream "I Spent All That Time Creating These Images For That!?"

Now, imagine this instead:

    The same customer - the same nice photographs.  Only instead of the 8x10 and couple 5x7s, she buys A 24x30 and two 11x14s!  FOR NO MORE WORK, you've just made a HUGE PROFIT!

So, How Do You Turn An 8x10 Sale Into A 24x30?

    It's easier than you think - but ONLY if you know the secret !  And that secret is DETAILED ON THIS AMAZING UNDERGROUND CD.  This secret DOES NOT involve pressure sales.  It doesn't involve a lot of STUDY AND MEMORIZATION.  It doesn't involve giving away a bunch of photographs for free.  Nothing like that.  You'll be SHOCKED AND AMAZED at how your clients will gladly invest in your larger photographs - never even considering a "tiny" 8x10 again!

Here's what ANOTHER photographer has to say about this secret in an email he sent me recently:
"Just wanted to drop you a note that I sold my first 40x50 last night!  First ever, and I followed the system.  Yea baby, you're right, it wasn't any harder to write 40x50 on the order than it was to write 8x10!"

                  - Scott Acree - Valencia, PA

 If you're serious about making more money on less work - this CD will be priceless to you!  Let's put a value of $99 on it - but you and I know it will be worth hundreds of times more money than that as you start using the secrets to bring in thousands of dollars you otherwise would not have had.
CLICK HERE IF You're Outside The U.S.
By clicking above, you understand that after the current month you will be charged $39 per month ($44 outside the US) as a "Photographers Inner-Circle" member until you cancel.   You may cancel at any time.

**** GIANT FREE GIFT #5 ****
(While They Last - Limited Number Available!)

$199 Value!weddingcds

Two Audio CD Set - "Weddings - If you do them, stop killing yourself and working so hard.  Here's The Magic Formula To Making HUGE MONEY, Doing FEWER Weddings Each Year!'" (NOTE:  Even if you DON'T photograph weddings, almost ALL of these secrets will work like magic for PORTRAIT photography,too!)

    Let's be honest here - Weddings ARE A LOT OF WORK!  That doesn't mean that we can't enjoy photographing them, but come on!  They can drive a photographer insane!  The pressure!  The crazy family members all putting in their two-cent's worth!  The long hours on weekends!  The logistical nightmare of photographing all those "once-in-a-lifetime" moments!  But weddings don't have to drive you crazy...

LISTEN To What ROCKEY KERNS- A Great Photographer in Gahanna, OH Has To Say About My Money-Making Photo Secrets:
(Just click on the PLAY Button below)

"I Would Go Without EATING Before I'd Give Up the Inner-Circle Membership."  

Listen To The Rest Of His Story Above!

-Rockey Kerns - Gahanna, OH

Have You Ever Said This To Yourself Or Your Spouse?

"The Bride & Groom Won't Listen To Me!  They Keep Telling ME What To Do!"

"I'm Not Making Enough Money To Make This Craziness Worth While!"

"Should I Give Away Photographs In Order To Book My Weddings?"

"I Wish I Had One Or Two Special Things To Offer My Brides That Would Set Me Apart From ALL OTHER Photographers In My Area!"

"I Would Kill For a Fool-Proof "SYSTEM' Detailing All The Photographs And The Order I Need To Create Them At The Wedding! - One That Will Work EVERY TIME!"

"What's The 'PERFECT' Wedding Packaging System?"

    If you're like most photographers, you've had to deal with these above challenges and questions, and many more.  Well, you aren't alone anymore!  And you don't have to start from square one either!  I've put together a "fool-proof" plan for absolute, amazing financial and creative freedom in wedding photography, and I detail it all for you on these two powerful, Underground CD's!

The above challenges (and 13 more) are discussed, and SECRETS ARE REVEALED that will make those problems a thing of the past! ALL ON THIS TWO AUDIO CD SET.

    AND REMEMBER - even if you don't photograph weddings, your portrait business will TAKE OFF because of these secrets, too!
CLICK HERE IF You're Outside The U.S.
By clicking above, you understand that after the current month you will be charged $39 per month ($44 outside the US) as a "Photographers Inner-Circle" member until you cancel.   You may cancel at any time.

Unbelievably, There's Still MORE...

**** GIANT FREE GIFT #6 ****
(While They Last - Limited Number Available!)
$66 Value!hottips

New HOT-TIPS By Email - The Latest Secrets In Your Email Box IMMEDIATELY!

 Several times a month, I'll provide you with valuable tips, insider secrets and strategies that have been proven and tested in our studio, but that are still 'underground' and unknown in the photography profession .  These exciting money-making tips and techniques will come directly to you via E-mail!

Let's review everything you'll be receiving for FREE:

check"Amazing Marketing & Advertising Secrets REVEALED" - 2 CD Set

$199.00 Value

checkThe "Ultimate Photography Pricing Tool Kit"

$129.97 Value

checkThe Current Month's Issue - "The Photographer's Money-Making INNER-CIRCLE Group" Insider Audio CD & Newsletter

$39.97 Value

check"Top Secret Underground CD - Photography SELLING Secrets"

 $99.00 Value

check"How To Make BIG Money From Wedding Photography" - 2 CD SET

$199.00 Value

check"Fantastic INSIDER Tips (audio / video / text)" - delivered right to your inbox!

$66.00 Value

Total Value: $732.94

As you can see, the $732.94 of FREE information are actual prices for each item, not some "made-up numbers".

Now we do have 2 requirements that you must meet in order to participate in this FREE Invitation:

  1. 1.  You must make a commitment to LISTEN to the CDs, read the newsletters and implement the secrets you discover. After all, I can guarantee you if you don't do this - nothing will change in your income, business or life.
  2. 2.  You must be ethical & honest and ONLY use these secrets to run a completely honest photography business, and deliver good work. We run a very honest business and only want to associate ourselves with honest photographers.

Here's How To Claim The Most Amazing FREE GIFT BUNDLE Ever...

    I guess I should point out what should be obvious to you ... just ONE really good idea, strategy, or prod or nudge from me within this amazing collection of resources can easily produce a HUGE amount of added income in your photography business.

    To take advantage of THE MOST AMAZING FREE GIFT BUNDLE EVER there is just a one time charge of $11 ($16 outside U.S.) to cover shipping and handling.


$16,000 From JUST ONE Sale - One Of His Biggest EVER! - PLUS Profits Have TRIPLED!

"First of all, Chuck, I have to tell you that our entire photography business has been built on your secrets, no exception.  And because of that, our profits have TRIPLED since we started using your stuff!   One of our largest sales ever was a $16,000 sale - I can hardly believe how great everything is working.  You know what I think makes the Monthly CD's so powerful?  The fact that you are also sharing the secrets of other photographers from all over the country who are using your information, and getting amazing results.  It's like a community or "mastermind group" of photographers all sharing their biggest hidden treasures.  By the way, the latest information you sent to your members is one of the best things yet!  Great stuff.  I wanted you to know how much I appreciate what you've done for my business, and for the photographic industry."

  -Steven Kramer - Redbank, NJ

    Ultimately, you have to experience everything I've promised here for yourself, because anything I or anyone else says really doesn't matter until YOU try it - right?

   Then, after receiving your HUGE BOX of goodies, and the most recent issue of the  Newsletter and Audio CD for FREE, I will automatically begin charging you a SPECIAL DISCOUNTED membership fee of just $39 each month ($44 outside U.S.) as we send out the next Newsletter and Audio CD Issues of the "Photographer's Money-Making INNER-CIRCLE Group".

And The Best, MOST WONDERFUL Guarantee Anywhere!!!

I'll send you all this great stuff for free (just $11 s&h - $16 outside U.S.).  If after the FREE current month, or anytime thereafter, you EVER want to cancel these benefits, simply give us a call at 1-800-645-5199 and we will STOP charging your credit card and stop sending you the photography money-making issues each month.  That's a promise.

No questions, no hassles, no hard feelings.  You must be completely thrilled.  If not, I want you to cancel your membership.  I'm on a mission here - to help you QUICKLY AND EASILY start getting the kind of money you know you deserve!

I'm sure that once you experience my MOST AMAZING FREE GIFT EVER, you will discover countless overlooked opportunities in your business that will take it to a new level of profitability and personal satisfaction.  You'll start really LOVING it again!  You'll feel the excitement that comes with KNOWING that you can make really GREAT money with your photography!

But you're going to have to act fast here, to get in on this!  There's ONLY a limited number of these bundles available, and when they're gone they're gone.  Just pick up the phone and call us at 1-800-645-5199 or click on one of the order links on this page and the first issue of "The Photographer's Money -Making INNER-CIRCLE Group" CD & Newsletter, as well as all of the other goodies will be rushed to your door with my compliments and totally at my risk!

LISTEN To What DAN DOKE - A Photographer in North Reading, MA Has To Say About My Money-Making Photo Secrets:
(Just click on the PLAY Button below)

"We booked about 8 or 9 (sessions) within a couple of hours!"  

Listen To The Rest Of His Story Above!

-Dan Doke - North Reading, MA

All the best,

Charles J. Lewis

PS.  I URGE you not to procrastinate on this.  Hundreds of other photographers will be hearing about this as well as you.  I expect the response to be fast and furious.  But I ONLY have a limited number of these AMAZING FREE GIFTS available, and when they're gone, they're gone for good!

PPS.  You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by sampling this information.  Don't wait, call 1-800-645-5199 NOW, or click on the link below before the boxes of goodies are gone!
CLICK HERE IF You're Outside The U.S.
By clicking above, you understand that after the current month you will be charged $39 per month ($44 outside the US) as a "Photographers Inner-Circle" member until you cancel.   You may cancel at any time.


Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546

PRIVACY POLICY:  None of your information will EVER be sold, given, or shared with ANYONE for any reason.

Contact Us:  616-956-0053