
ATTN: Inner-Circle Member...

What's Most Important To You About Your
Inner-Circle Membership?

From: Charles Lewis
Re: What do you want to get out of the Inner-Circle?

Dear New IC Member,

As a new member, I want to know what your biggest challenges are, and how you feel we can best help you make sure you make HUGE profits doing what you love most - photography.

So please....

Tell us what your biggest challenges are right now
so I can help you solve them as an Inner-Circle member.

(your information will never be sold or shared with anyone for ANY reason.)

FULL NAME (optional):

What's most important to you about Inner Circle?  What do you want to get out of it the most? (put the number matching your answer in the box to the right)

 1.  More profit

 2.  More free time, less work.  I'm way too busy.

 3.  More clients - I don't have as many clients as I want.

 4.  Higher Average Sales from each client

 5.  More security.  A more consistent, steady income from my photography.

 6.  Other

My primary interest is:  (put the number matching your answer in the box to the right)

 1.  Portraits in general (families, children, couples, etc.)

 2.  High school senior portraits in particular

 3.  Weddings


Selling:  I am most interested in:  (put the number matching your answer in the box to the right)

 1.  Telephone techniques that book more portraits and weddings

 2.  Pre-portrait interview sales techniques that book the sessions

 3.  Presentation of the portraits to the client so the sale is enormous.

 4.  Wedding booking sales techniques so they book with me that very day

 5.  How you handle the question of price on the telephone and in person to book more     clients, even though your prices are higher than most studios in your area


Marketing:  I am most interested in:  (put the number matching your answer in the box to the right)

 1.  Direct mail marketing techniques

 2.  Yellow pages ads that work

 3.  How to get free exhibits

 4.  Newspaper and magazine ads that work

 5.  Radio/TV ads that work

 6.  Outdoor, billboard advertising that works

 7.  Two step marketing secrets that bring in more qualified prospects

 8.  Other

Pricing/Merchandising:  I am most interested in:  (put the number matching your answer in the box to the right)

 1.  How you put your prices on the paper to make them seem more affordable

2.  How you use the "whopper law" to make your prices seem low

 3.  How and why you don't let your price lists leave the studio.

 4.  How you use the "Price/Value Relationship" to book more clients, even though your     prices are higher than most studios in the area.

 5.  Which is better, having packages, or just a-la-carte?


Other areas that I want help with: (type whatever you like in the box to the right)


Thank you for your input - we will take it all to heart when preparing new content for the membership site, as well as emails to help you move forward as quickly as possible toward the profits you deserve!

Charles & the Inner-Circle Team


Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546

PRIVACY POLICY:  None of your information will EVER be sold, given, or shared with ANYONE for any reason.

Contact Us:  616-956-0053