
"How One FREE ONLINE Event Took The Photography Industry By COMPLETE SURPRISE, And Is Being REPEATED For Despirate Photographers Wanting ANSWERS!"

BY DEMAND - Charles Lewis & Todd Lewis Present BIGGEST ONLINE Photography Event One More Time - LIVE! (Feb. 10th ONLY)   The January 21st LIVE ONLINE EVENT Was The Biggest & Best Event We've Ever Held To Date!

Did YOU Miss It?

EVENT TITLE - Photographers' RECESSION-BUSTING Top-Secret SUMMIT - How To Make 2009 Your Best Year Ever In Photography, Even During These Terrible Economic Times!  17 Major QUICK-START Secrets Revealedvideo That You Can Use IMMEDIATELY In Your Photography Business

DATE - TUESDAY, Feb. 10th, 2009

TIME - 1:00pm - 3:00pm Eastern Time ONLY

COST - Completely FREE - Held Over The Internet! - NO TELEPHONE NEEDED, All On Your Computer, No Cost At All.

Chuck Lewis Here.   There Were Hundreds Of Photographers Who Wanted To Be On That FREE Summit Held Over The INTERNET - But They Didn't Get In - We Filled Up Quickly.  So, Todd & I Have Decided To Present This Online Event - LIVE - ONE MORE TIME, Due To The Huge Demand And Requests From Photographers I've Been Receiving By Email Over The Last Week.  Obviously it will fill quickly... so sign-up right now.CJ-Signature


--P.S. - Even if you signed up for the last SOLD-OUT Online Event, you must signup again here to get the NEW passcode for this LIVE event...


Completely FREE (no telephone needed) - -
LIVE "Photographers' RECESSION-BUSTING Top-Secret Online SUMMIT - How To Make 2009 Your Best Year EVER In Photography


What's So Amazing About This LIVE Photography Event? 
(Remember, we're holding the SAME LIVE ONLINE CONFERENCE a Second and Final Time On Feb. 10th - Coming RIGHT Up...)

(I literally JUST got this email from him):

"Your webinar was more than I had expected! Your marketing ideas were not only sound, but practical and inexpensive.

Too often the advice we get out there is too general and difficult to implement. You guys obviously have walked the talk and know what works, and what doesn't work. The "Amazing Lumpy Mail" idea is pure genius.  Every serious professional photographer should attend one of these webinars. I have told several of my photographer friends to check you guys out. Thanks for 2 hours well-spent!"

-Bill Loeber
San Diego, CA

During the January 21st live event - AND DURING THIS "BY DEMAND" LIVE EVENT we're doing on February 10th - we got rid of all the B.S. that's floating around out there about making money, RIGHT NOW, in photography.   We're all hearing it, aren't we?   "This recession is KILLING the photography industry!" (not true.)   "Cheap photographers are going to steal all our customers?"  (only if YOU let them.)  "During these economic times, there's really nothing we can do to make BIG MONEY in photography."  (COMPLETELY false.   No joke.)

These MYTHS Were Debunked ONCE AND FOR ALL During Our Last Event, And We're Going To REVEAL ALL OUR SECRETS One More Time, LIVE, and For Free.

If you missed the last event, are you going to miss this AGAIN?   You've got another chance.  But this is it.   We're simply to busy to keep doing these live events over and over again.

Here's just some of what you will SEE & DISCOVER during this LIVE ONLINE CONFERENCE (Since It's ONLINE, We Can SHOW You Visuals!):

SEE My MOST EFFECTIVE Marketing Pieces - Ever wonder what a successful photography brochure should look like?  You'll see it here!  Also see other examples of ULTRA-SUCCESSFUL and VERY PROFITABLE photo-marketing pieces that will blow your mind!

SEE My Exhibits - Ever wondered what your exhibits should look like?  I'll take you on a quick tour of my exhibits, and reveal how to make them work LIKE MAGIC right now in 2009 & well beyond, during this crazy economy!

SEE My Studio - I'll invite you into my studio - NOT my camera room - you don't need to see that - that's not the most important part of a studio.  I'm going to show you the areas of my studio that REALLY make me all my money!  See my SALES area - see my "Design Consultation" area - see what the client sees, and why it makes me so much money!

LISTEN To What David Emberling - A Photographer in Weston, CT Has To Say About My Money-Making Photo Secrets:
(Just click on the PLAY Button below & to the left)

"Before I Started, My Average Portrait Sale Was Around $400.  Since Then, It Has Gone Up To An Average, Last Year, Of $1700!"  
Listen To The Rest Of His Story Above!

-David Emberling
Weston, CT

PLUS - See & Discover These BIG SECRETS:

 ***The TOP 5 cheap, easy, and proven secrets that will eliminate your competition worries forever, and bring a FLOOD of new clients to you on a virtual conveyor belt!

***Photography Internet Myths DEBUNKED once and for all! The mysteries of today's photography websites revealed!  We pull the blindfold off of you and show you what the "internet powerhouses" don't want you to know about the true secrets of the internet, and how photographers can make a fortune from it.

***4 Online magic spells you will use to be like Merlin - Summoning clients with your magic wand like a moth to a flame!

***How to simply and easily discover the hidden wealth buried within your photography business - The Magic "Photography Market-to-Demographic Equation For Instant Profit & Success"

***What are the 2 best ways to make fast money in photography in 2009 - these 2 secrets will SHOCK you!

*** And much, much more!

Are YOU wondering what the other photographers out there are thinking - RIGHT NOW?   We discovered it BIG TIME during this free ONLINE photography conference...

If you had been on the Jan. 21st event, you would have seen THIS POLL.  During the live event, we polled the photographers attending, to find out EXACTLY what their biggest challenge is right now in their photo businesses.

And here's what we discovered!


I know it's kind of hard to read, but if you look closely, you'll see that BY FAR, the thing driving most photographers nuts is "WANT MORE CUSTOMERS / CLIENTS."   85% of the photographers polled said that this was what they wanted to get out of this LIVE event.

BOY DID WE DELIVER - And We're Going To Do It Again For The Photographers Who Missed Out!   Join Us LIVE On Feb. 10th at 1:00pm EASTERN TIME For This FREE EVENT.

Based on this poll, we knew we were going to focus first and foremost on GETTING CUSTOMERS FLOCKING TO YOUR STUDIO.   During this event, we pulled back the curtain and revealed TOP-SECRET photography marketing pieces - showing them to the attendees LIVE!  

We're going to do the SAME THING on Feb. 10th at 1:00pm Eastern Time -and remember, IT'S LIVE, so anything can happen!

One of the first secrets we revealed on Jan. 21st (and will reveal AGAIN on Feb. 10th) is a TOP-SECRET and inexpensive mailing system that Tammy Griffin, a professional photographer in Ocala Florida used recently to get GREAT results!  

Below, you'll see an actual screen image taken during the event - notice that she mailed out ONLY 40 TOTAL pieces in the mail, and she got $25,000 IN SALES!    Holy cow!   Who among us wouldn't want that?

Note:   The reason I have to black part of this out is two-fold.   ONE - I'm only talking about this with the people on these events so they can have a "leg-up" over their competition.... and... TWO - if you just saw the words, you wouldn't know what to do with it next.   On the event, we'll go into the details... it's SO simple, it's almost SICK!


During the Jan. 21st LIVE ONLINE CONFERENCE, we revealed 15 MAJOR SECRETS you can use right now, DURING THIS RECESSION, to bring rich & qualified customers in your door.   And GUESS WHAT?  We're going to reveal those secrets again during the BY DEMAND LIVE ONLINE CONFERENCE on February 10th as well.

If you're wondering what CHEAP BUT SUPER-EFFECTIVE marketing you can do right now to CRUSH this recession, and bring in a flood of new customers FAST, you can't afford to miss this FREE live online event. 


arrowHere's ANOTHER actual screen capture from the event we just held.   The answers submitted by photographers were VERY enlightening!  


There was DEFINITELY one of these answers that was submitted the most - by far.   Care to guess which one?   By the way, the INTERNET MARKETING section of this event was a real hit!  I've received a bunch of emails talking about what a great help it was.   We'll be covering all that internet marketing stuff AGAIN during the Feb. 10th event!

Why am I doing this LIVE internet conference (or WEBinar, as they are known) ONE MORE TIME - and why am I letting you in for FREE? 

Because I've had it.  Frankly - that's it - I've HAD IT!  I'm hearing so many photographers on a daily basis complaining about how bad the photography industry is right now, and I don't blame them for feeling that way. 

However, I KNOW FOR A FACT that, while so many photographers are complaining, there are other photographers who are THRIVING - doing GREAT business - and making TONS of money right now.  Why is that?  What are they doing differently?    I'm going to reveal all the secrets during this ONLINE EVENT.

That's all I have time to tell you now - I have a ton more things to get done today, and a lot of photographers to talk to.  So, click on the link below, and get signed up for that event on Feb. 10th, and I'll talk to you then.

And remember - it's free - and ALL held on the INTERNET - so no phone is needed.

I'll talk to you on Feb. 10th!






Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546

PRIVACY POLICY:  None of your information will EVER be sold, given, or shared with ANYONE for any reason.

Contact Us:  616-956-0053


Photography Marketing & Sales Secrets

How To Bring In Lots Of Clients In A Steady Stream, and Make BIG MONEY Working 35 Hours A Week Or Less - All From Photography
