FREE ONLINE EVENT - Presented and Sponsored By Steve Bedell & EPHOTO! -
"The Top 3 Most Powerful, Simple, and FAST Photo Marketing Secrets - PLUS Other Tips, Techniques & Strategies REVEALED!"

Join EPHOTO Members Online on Thursday, September 23rd at 1:00pm Eastern Time, As Charles Lewis (M.Photog., Cr.) Reveals His Biggest & Latest Secrets For Bringing In New Clients and Making Great Profits - FAST!

Here's a TASTE Of The Riches You'll Discover During This Event:


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  • check-red• 4 Big Photo Success Secrets

  • check-red• 3 biggest marketing/advertising mistakes most photographers make

  • check-red• 3 Free (or almost free) ways to get LOTS of good, qualified clients/customers now – and separate yourself from the cheap competition out there.

  • check-red• 7 fast & easy tips, tricks & tools that WILL massively increase your photo website effectiveness! 

  • check-red• Other Internet Marketing Methods That Work Like Crazy

    check-red• A powerful underground "Marketing Key Point"

    check-red• A look at our studio

  • check-red• A look at some of our exhibits

  • check-red• Q&A if time permits


Who Is Charles J. Lewis, And Why Should You Learn From Him?

Charles Lewis: 
"How I Turned My Love For Photography Into A Ton Of Money In My Pocket:
(and how this secret will work for ANYONE)

Charles J. Lewis -
M. Photog., Cr.

    All I wanted to do was take great photographs.  That's all.  I didn't want to become a businessperson.  I didn't want to run my own company.  I just wanted to take my camera and my lighting equipment and my cool backgrounds and create images that would make my clients cry whenever they looked at them.  I wanted other photographers to look at my work and respect it.  I spent nearly every waking moment with either a camera up to my eye, or a photography book in my hands.  I ate, drank, and slept f-stops and shutterspeeds.

    Then, something happened that I will NEVER forget.

    I found myself with a mortgage to pay, a wife and two children who needed meals put on the table, and a photography business that was less about photography, and more about stress and fear.  I was working an average of 70 hours a week.  I felt like a "photo-factory" - I was just "cranking clients through" on a conveyor belt, snapping as many pictures in as short a time as possible, and hating the results.  I was sinking money I didn't have into advertising that didn't work.  I even spent $3460 IN ONE YEAR on a yellow page ad that only booked me one session!

    And what was even worse was:  I was beginning to resent photography.  It wasn't even fun anymore.

    I knew that if I didn't do something quickly, I would be stuck doing something I used to love , but had grown to dislike, for the rest of my life.  I couldn't let that happen.

    So, I made the decision that changed my life.  I resolved to learn the things the other 99% of all photographers in the world don't know.  I bought every book, every tape set, every video I could get my hands on about breakthroughs in marketing, selling, and making money.  I reviewed the materials endlessly - over and over again, until I could almost recite them from memory.  I listened to the audio tapes in my care everywhere I drove.  In fact, my radio was broken for over 3 years, and I never got it fixed because I was only using my tape deck.  I even listened to tapes every morning while in the shower (battery operated tape player, of course)!

   I became an EXPERT on MEGA-PROFIT techniques.  The scary thing I realized was that ANYONE could learn these techniques if they wanted to.  ANYONE!  But I also understood that most photographers didn't learn this stuff because it didn't directly apply to the photography business.  The stuff I learned came from business geniuses in other fields, so I had to adapt it for my photography business.  That was hard work, but it paid off BIG TIME!

   Within one year of studying and adapting these techniques, I went from dead broke to making over $115,000 PROFIT from my photography!

   You wouldn't believe the feeling of security that came from knowing I would never have to worry about money again.

   PLUS - my love for photography was totally reborn!  The stress was gone, and my creativity exploded!  I was able to take more time with my clients, because I was making so much more money from each one.  And my clients were more thrilled with the photographs than ever before.

   Then, I decided it was time to reveal the secrets I had learned to the rest of the photographic industry - at least those who were ready to learn them.

   You've heard the expression - "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear."  Well, I felt it was time to let the industry know what I had discovered, and for those photographers who were ready, it was time to reveal the big secrets that would make photographers more creative and much, much richer.

   Within one year, I realized that ALL the secrets to Mega-Profits in photography would work for ANY PHOTOGRAPHER who used them, regardless of where they lived, what type of photography they did, who their clients were, or what type of equipment they used!

   I started by speaking at photographic conventions.  As much as I enjoyed talking about f -stops and shutterspeeds and depth of field, I was finding a handful (very large handful) of photographers who wanted to find out how to make big money from photography.  I guess word had gotten out that my photography business was doing very well.  The photographic industry is a small one, and word travels fast. 

   So, here I was talking about photographic techniques at conventions, and suddenly, I was being asked how I was making over $100,000 a year with my photography, working only 30 hours a week.  There was a real desire to learn what I had discovered. 

   In no time at all, I was being asked to speak at conventions all over the U.S. about the secrets to getting rich with photography.  Then, I embarked on what would become the heart of my success training career - SEMINAR TOURS.  My first tour consisted of only five cities.  I wasn't sure about what I was doing, so I thought I'd start small.

   That little five city tour almost killed me!  It was a ton of work!  But, I fell in love with the interaction with the photographers who came to learn the techniques I was teaching.  I even recorded some of these seminars on audio cassette, and made them available to photographers who wanted to learn the stuff, but weren't able to attend the classes.

I was AMAZED at the number of people salivating for these secrets!

   What started as a little five-city tour, over the next 10 years, became an annual 30-city whirlwind tour!  And, throughout my teaching career, I've continued to run a very successful and profitable studio, and create a library full of books, audio tapes, and videos passing on everything I've learned in 33 years in the business.

This is my legacy. This is what I want to leave behind.  Next to my wife and two children, the educational materials I've created are the things that are dearest to my heart.

   Now, I spend much of my days consulting one-on-one with some of my best and most long -term students, and passing my proven marketing secrets on to new photographers who may never have worked with me before.  I'm deeper into the industry than I ever have been, as I'm talking to students, sometimes for up to 8 hours a day, helping them to make their photography businesses what they've always dreamed they would be - AND MORE!

   I love this profession so much, and truly believe that ANY photographer can be a great financial success if they discover the secrets most other photographers will NEVER discover...."

Charles J. Lewis

  • Sept. 23rd EVENT SIGN UP (FREE)

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SIGN UP NOW!   This LIVE Event Is Happening Sept. 23rd...  
Don't Wait - this event could fill up!  


Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546

PRIVACY POLICY:  None of your information will EVER be sold, given, or shared with ANYONE for any reason.

Contact Us:  616-956-9433