
LIVE EVENT - Free Registration Right Now.   Webinar Happens at 1:00pm Eastern Time on August 28th - Duration, 90 minutes

Here Are The Secrets You'll Discover LIVE:

check-red13 specific, EASY ways to turn 84% of all people who email you asking about your prices or what you do into BOOKED SESSIONS.

check-redSpecial INTERVIEW with a photographer who has implemented this exact system, kept the numbers, and has the proof that this increased his booking percentage to 84% OVERNIGHT.

check-redThe one secret that will SKYROCKET the effectiveness of your emails you send out - IMMEDIATELY!

check-redThe STEP-BY-STEP system for crafting your own ultra-successful email responses (and automating them, so you only do it ONCE)!   You can have this all done in less than 1 HOUR...




PRIVACY NOTICE:  We will NEVER give or sell your information to anyone for any reason.   We value your privacy.

guarantee.sealOUR "NO B.S." PROMISE TO YOU:
(backed by a $20 cash guarantee)

This event is COMPLETELY FREE, but your TIME is not free, and we realize that.   That's why I'm making an insane guarantee, one that could cost me a fortune, if I don't deliver.   If you feel that this webinar is a waste of your time - if you don't get at least one "BREAKTHRU" idea that you can implement right away to improve your photography emails, you let us know by calling 616-956-0053, and I'll send you $20 cash.   With 500 photographers on this event, I'm obviously very motivated to surpass everyone's expectations, or it will cost me! 


Don't Take Our Word For It:   Here's What Other Photographers Have To Say About The Photography Money-Making Secrets They've Received From Me
(I don't say this to BRAG, it's just important that you know that I know what I'm talking about. 
Anyone can call themselves an EXPERT these days):

Ivory.Dina"Thanks to many of the techniques I have learned from Chuck, I have taken a studio to one that now does over
$600,000 a year!"
-Dina Ivory
Tallahassee, FL

"I Would Say These Secrets Have Been Worth, To Us, About $75,000 Over The Years!"
-Steven Filarsky
Franklinton, NC

"If it hadn't have been for discovering Chuck's program, I would NOT be in business now.  There's no question of it.  My business would have completely failed."
-Nigel Merrick Oakland, TN

"Average sale up by 400% - One-quarter-year profits of $30,000!   For no more work than I was doing before!
-Jenny Wallace-Crouse
Kingwood, TX


Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546

PRIVACY POLICY:  None of your information will EVER be sold, given, or shared with ANYONE for any reason.

Contact Us:  616-956-0053


Charles J. Lewis -
M. Photog., Cr. PPA