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MY FREE 2 HOUR LIVE INTERNET CONFERENCE Will Pull Back The Curtain On The Secrets RICH Photographers Are Using NOW To Make GREAT MONEY - Even During These "Trying" Economic Times! 
- Charles Lewis

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How To Have A FLOOD Of PAYING Customers Flocking To You (and make the most money from them) - DESPITE The Economy!

DATE & TIME:  Wednesday, Apr. 28th
           1:00pm Eastern Time ONLY -  2 hours Long

Free PHOTO CONFERENCE Held Over The Internet - Discover All The Secrets LIVE From Your Own Home Or Office!

INCLUDES LIVE Question & Answers From Attendees.   Submit A Question DURING the live event - We'll Be Answering The Pressing Questions Photographers Have Right Now!

INCLUDES LIVE Polling - Find out where other photographers stand, and what they are doing, through our LIVE POLLING during the event!

"The Photography Industry & Economy Has Changed, And It's Leaving HUNDREDS Of Photographers In The Dust...  Will You Be Left In The Dust, Or Will You THRIVE In This Insane Time?"

Dear Fellow Photographer,

Why am I doing this LIVE internet conference (or WEBinar, as they are known) - and why am I letting you in for FREE?  Because you have requested information from me in the past, and you deserve to be kept in the loop about the latest secrets for making great money in photography, especially during these tough economic times!

I KNOW FOR A FACT that, while so many photographers are complaining about this economy, there are still photographers who are THRIVING - doing GREAT business - and making TONS of money right now.  Why is that?  What are they doing differently?   I'm going to reveal all the secrets during this WEBINAR!

Some Words From BRUCE HUDSON, Fellow Photographer & Fantastic Educator:

Hudson"Hi, Chuck - I just wanted to let you know that you are one of my biggest mentors.  Because you taught me so well, I am in the process of building a $1.8 million home on a beautiful lake.   The lifestyle I have created for my children (Josh & McKenna) has come directly from photography and YOUR TEACHINGS.  Thank you Chuck!   As you know, I'm not the type to brag with numbers, but hopefully this will inspire others that YOU ARE THE REAL DEAL.   To NOT study and implement your concepts is crazy.  Thanks again from a huge fan, student, and member of the greatest profession in the world.
           - BRUCE HUDSON, Renton, WA

WANT THE SECRETS TO MAKING PILES OF CASH FROM PHOTOGRAPHY, RIGHT NOW, IN THE SPRING OF 2010 & Beyond?  Want To Discover The Hidden Secrets The THRIVING Photographers Are Using That No One Else Seems To Know About?  Then This LIVE Webinar Is Going To Knock Your Computer Mouse Right Out Of Your Hand!

It's April of 2010, and you've noticed the changes in the industry, haven't you?  You've probably felt like this economy is drying up all the clients who might be looking for photography. 

You've probably noticed more and more potential clients complaining about what you charge, and then wanting EVERYTHING under the sun - including all the photos on CD so they can just do whatever they want with them.

Have You Said To Your Spouse Or Yourself Recently - "I've Had Just About Enough Of This - I Can't Take It Anymore!"?

Photography is NOT an easy business.  No way.  And believe me, it's getting even tougher (or at least it SEEMS like it is ).  The good news is - it doesn't have to be tough.  In fact, it can actually be almost EASIER now than ever, because most photographers will NOT be using these "RECESSION-BUSTING" secrets you're going to discover on April 28th when you attend this FREE WEBINAR.  (You MUST sign up with your name and email address to be sure to get in!)

NOTICE:  The secrets I'll reveal on this INTERNET SEMINAR are designed to be "QUICK-START" secrets, so you can implement them, and reap the rewards from them, right away - NO YEARS OF TRIAL AND ERROR!

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Feel free to pick the timezone closest to you for your reminder, or just leave as EST

(your information will never be sold or shared with anyone for ANY reason)

The Webinar Is FREE For YOU Since You Are On My Email List - But I Can Only Afford To Let A Limited Number Of Photographers In For This Event (Due to limitations of the webinar service company).  So, Don't Wait To Secure Your Spot. 

This WEBINAR is NOT going to be full of boring THEORY and FLUFF & FILLER.  No way - none of us have time for that - you don't, and I don't. 

My son Todd and I are crafting a WEBINAR that is going to give you real MEAT & POTATOES - secrets you can sink your teeth into IMMEDIATELY, so that you start seeing results and huge profits right away.  When you log off after this event, you'll feel energized, and you'll have an arsenal of proven secrets at your fingertips ready to start making you money - FAST! 

Here's just some of what you will SEE & DISCOVER during this LIVE ONLINE CONFERENCE (Since It's ONLINE, We Can SHOW You Visuals!):

SECTION 1:  "The Latest Marketing Secrets For This Economy"

I'll be revealing the best and most effective marketing to be doing RIGHT NOW, during this crazy economy.  Secrets include:

check5 simple steps to doubling your profits in the next 30 days or less - guaranteed - even in this recession

checkThe 4 most powerful, proven, FREE (or almost free) ways to get your phone ringing right now - between now and Memorial Day - with people who want to hire you - even during this Recession

checkThe one list that virtually guarantee's a great response - even in this recession - and you don't even need to mail to them to get them to work with you! Here's how...

SECTION 2:  "The Best SALES Techniques For 2010 And Beyond"

I'll break down all the walls, and reveal EXACTLY how to present your images, WITH TODAY'S LATEST TECHNOLOGIES - the secrets that can increase your average portrait or wedding sale by 70%, INSTANTLY.  Secrets include:

checkWhat are the LATEST & MOST EFFECTIVE Technologies to present images TODAY?  I'll reveal what software to use, what viewing technology to use, and more!

check5 easiest ways to book someone who calls you asking about your prices - turn them into booked sessions RIGHT NOW !

check3 amazing discoveries that change everything during this recession!

check7 proven recession-busting secrets for booking more clients and selling more photography now!

SECTION 3:  "LATEST Internet Marketing Secrets REVEALED"

My son (and web GENIUS) Todd will reveal the best ways to bring in customers with the web - including use of Google Adwords, email marketing, addition of FREE audio and video, and more. 

Todd is putting this amazing section together himself, and he hasn't even told me all the great secrets he's going to reveal.  I can't wait to hear it myself!


Discover The Latest, Greatest Marketing & Sales Secrets for your photography business!

Once you sign up with your name and email address,  we will email you back with your own PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL CONNECTION CODE and simple instructions YOU NEED TO GET INTO THE WEBINAR.

I will talk with you on April 28th at 1:00pm EASTERN TIME!!!

Charles J. Lewis, M. Photog., Cr.

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Your Timezone:

Feel free to pick the timezone closest to you for your reminder, or just leave as EST

(your information will never be sold or shared with anyone for ANY reason)



Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546

PRIVACY POLICY:  None of your information will EVER be sold, given, or shared with ANYONE for any reason.

Contact Us:  616-956-9433