Scenario #1: Simple, Powerful, Proven Methods For Marketing Your Photography Business RIGHT NOW - Secrets That Get Clients Calling Practically BEGGING To Be "One Of The Lucky Ones" To Be Photographed!

I realize this may sound impossible.   I mean, in this economy, with all these "competitors" out there, how can any photographer have people begging to be photographed by them?   (it's happening, but only to photographers who have the right marketing approach.)

"And, it must cost a FORTUNE to make this happen, right?"  (nope.)

"No one is paying big money for photography anymore" (Bulls#*t, excuse my French.)

To prove it to my Inner-Circle members, I recently did something I NEVER thought I would do!  

Over the past year, I've created a number of VERY EXPENSIVE (and worth EVERY penny) products for photographers to reveal my biggest marketing secrets.   The secrets in these packages (ranging in cost from $99 up to $2600) have made many photographers very rich.  

Well, I've just done something rather crazy, and have started putting many of the BIGGEST secrets revealed in these expensive packages up on this Photographer's Inner-Circle Subscribers-ONLY site!   That means that you and my other members will have INSTANT ACCESS, 24/7 to many of these secrets, and at a fraction-of-a-fraction of the cost.

To really stand out from the pack, and to have people practically BEATING DOWN YOUR door to be photographed, you MUST either:

1.... study and train for years to become an expert marketer, or

2.... hire someone (at GREAT expense) who is an expert in photographic marketing to do your marketing for you, or

3.... COPY THE MARKETING of someone who has already done it!  

Which of these things do you think would be the least expensive, fastest acting, and most effective?   If you picked #3 - you get a gold star!

Folder.2And that's what the Inner-Circle membership site is all about.   You'll log in anytime you want, and see the biggest and best marketing secrets for photographers that you can take and use for yourself.   Not theory, not B.S. - just the proven secrets that have taken my photography studio (and hundreds of others) from near broke to upwards of six figure per year incomes.  

Now, I can't show you any of those marketing pieces here, as they are ONLY for members.   That's what sets our members apart from everyone else out there - they have access to this HUGE resource, and other photographers dont!

Creativity International / Charles Lewis Photography
4930 Cascade Rd., Grand Rapids, MI  49546

PRIVACY POLICY:  None of your information will EVER be sold, given, or shared with ANYONE for any reason.

Contact Us:  616-956-9433